

Quick start

bash aria2c_TrackersList/go.sh

Basic usage

  1. Download .torrent file from magnet link

    aria2c --bt-save-metadata=true --bt-metadata-only=true <magnetLink>
  2. Show conntent list and index of torrent file

    aria2c [ -S | --show-files ] <torrentFIle>
  3. Download specific files of torrent with their index

    aria2c --select-file=<INDEX> <torrentFile>

    <INDEX> have two types to choose multiple files with their index number showed in --show-files

    1. Multiple Individual indexes can be specified by using ,

    2. Specify a range with -

    :bulb: In multiple file torrent, the adjacent files specified by this option may also be downloaded.

  4. FAQ

    • Q: Encounter cause: File name too long error

    • A: Use -O, --index-out=<INDEX>=<PATH> option

      • This option can be used multiple times.

      • Specify an output file name of torrent downloads through its <INDEX> obtained from using --show-files.

Other tips

Theoretical basis

  1. The configure file is $HOME/.aria2/aria2.conf

  2. Search this project which have saved many TrackerLists Files

  3. In aria2.conf , You only need to add a line:
