

Project build guide



Requirements and build steps

Prerequisites for ALL platforms

Note: CMake and Git may installed with OS, IDEs or build essentials. Please check the installed versions and the activated toolchains.

Windows 10/11

  1. Install latest Visual Studio 2022 with C++, CMake, and Git.
  2. Install vcpkg side-by-side with source code. For example, if your project is located at D:\path\salvia, then vcpkg should be installed at D:\path\vcpkg. Otherwise, you need to specify the vcpkg toolchain file by the config _windows/toolchainFile in CMakePreset_Woodblocks.json.
  3. Open the folder D:\path\salvia with Visual Studio 2022
  4. Select the preset msvc_dbg_win or msvc_rel_win in the CMake Presets tab and build it.


  1. gcc above 12.0 or clang above 14.0 is required
  2. Clone the project to path-to-salvia.
  3. Install vcpkg by your OS package system (for e.g. apt on ubuntu). The default installation path of vcpkg is at ~/vcpkg. If it was installed elsewhere, you need to specify the vcpkg toolchain file by the config _linux/toolchainFile in CMakePreset_Woodblocks.json.
  4. Open the folder path-to-salvia with your IDE (VSCode, VIM or CLion).

NOTE for CLion on WSL: If you are working on WSL with CLion, please make sure that the correct CMake and Git and compiler in CLion was selected. You can check or edit the toolchains in Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Toolchains.


  1. Install latest XCode Commad Line Tools.
  2. gcc above 12.0 or clang above 14.0 is required.
  3. Clone the project to path-to-salvia.
  4. Install vcpkg by your OS package system (for e.g. brew on Mac). The default installation path of vcpkg is at ~/Library/vcpkg. If it was installed elsewhere, you need to specify the vcpkg toolchain file by the config _macos/toolchainFile in CMakePreset_Woodblocks.json.
  5. Open the folder path-to-salvia with your IDE (VSCode, VIM or CLion).

NOTE for CLion on Mac: Please download M1 version of CLion if you are using M1 Mac. Otherwise, you may encounter some issues when building the project.

Suggestions for IDEs

Known issues

All interactive demos are not supported on Linux and Mac because we don't have GUI support on these platforms.

Support Info

If you have any question, please contact: wuye9036 at gmail dot com