

Multi-view Neural Human Rendering (NHR) [Paper] [Project Page]

Pytorch implementation of NHR.

framework Multi-view Neural Human Rendering </br> Minye Wu, Yuehao Wang, Qiang Hu, Jingyi Yu.</br> In CVPR 2020.</br>


We present an end-to-end Neural Human Renderer (NHR) for dynamic human captures under the multi-view setting. NHR adopts PointNet++ for feature extraction (FE) to enable robust 3D correspondence matching on low quality, dynamic 3D reconstructions. To render new views, we map 3D features onto the target camera as a 2D feature map and employ an anti-aliased CNN to handle holes and noises. Newly synthesized views from NHR can be further used to construct visual hulls to handle textureless and/or dark regions such as black clothing. Comprehensive experiments show NHR significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art neural and image-based rendering techniques, especially on hands, hair, nose, foot, etc.


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All material is made available under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. You can use, redistribute, and adapt the material for non-commercial purposes, as long as you give appropriate credit by citing our paper and indicating any changes that you've made.

Get Started

The designed architecture follows this guide PyTorch-Project-Template, you can check each folder's purpose by yourself.


1.Dataset preparing A data folder with a structure like following:

├──  img
│    └── %d    					- the frame number, start from 0.
│        └──mask
│        	└── img_%04d.jpg	- foreground mask of corresponding view. view number start from 0. 
│        └──img_%04d.jpg   		- undistorted RGB images for each view. view number start from 0.
├──  pointclouds				
│    └── frame%d.npy			- point cloud for each frame. A numpy array with a size of Nx6, where N is the size of point cloud. Each row is the "x y z r g b". The frame number start from 1.
├──  CamPose.inf				-Camera extrinsics. In each row, the 3x4 [R T] matrix is displayed in columns, with the third column followed by columns 1, 2, and 4, where R*X^{camera}+T=X^{world}.
└──  Intrinsic.inf				-Camera intrinsics. The format of each intrinsics is: "idx \n fx 0 cx \n 0 fy cy \n 0 0 1 \n \n" (idx starts from 0)

2. Network Training

2. Network Fine-tuning

3. Rendering


Datasets are now released for non-commercial purposes.

Please see our project page

Now we provide camera parameter conversion code (From Metashape)


  title={Multi-View Neural Human Rendering},
  author={Wu, Minye and Wang, Yuehao and Hu, Qiang and Yu, Jingyi},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},