

Rust BOFs for Cobalt Strike

This took me like 4 days (+2 days for an update), but I got it working... rust core + alloc for Cobalt Strike BOFs.
This is very much a PoC, but I'd love to see others playing around with it and contributing.


  1. Install mingw
  2. Install nightly rust with the x86_64-pc-windows-gnu and i686-pc-windows-gnu toolchains
  3. Run cargo install cargo-make
  4. Run cargo make
  5. ????
  6. BOFit

Make your own

Edit the entry function in rustbof/src/lib.rs. You can add new args by using the bof_pack function in the aggressor script, just don't change the first two because those are the relocations.

How the fk

I feel like I want to write a blog post about it at some point, but for now, here was the process:

yeah and now both 32 and 64 bit BOFs work.
I haven't tried anything too incredibly fancy yet, but let me know if there are issues.

How the fk, part 2

Well it's 2024 now and this is broken on newest CS and rust.
The rust developers added a extern global static u8 variable called __rust_no_alloc_shim_is_unstable in this commit
Some of my friends and I were trying to figure out how to deal with it.

Ok, so my solution is not pretty. Basically, the compiler is putting a reference to that global static in it's own .rdata subsection called .rdata$.refptr.__rust_no_alloc_shim_is_unstable. Something to do with COMDAT or some shit. That section cannot be found by the BOF linker. So why not just combine all .rdata$.refptr.* sections into .rdata. That works fine, except now that variable cannot be accessed.

You might say to yourself... huh __rust_alloc should call my allocator and that should be that. Well now something actually calls __rust_alloc for you and right before it does it does a read of __rust_no_alloc_shim_is_unstable. This causes the BOF to crash, because it's actually trying to find that symbol via .refptr.__rust_no_alloc_shim_is_unstable, which is empty, as the linker is supposed to fill it out or something. The symbol must be defined somewhere too, and as far as I can tell it is not defined in alloc or in our object file.

So my solution is just to declare __rust_no_alloc_shim_is_unstable and write the address of it to .refptr.__rust_no_alloc_shim_is_unstable. To write to the address of the refptr symbol I just import it via link name (as a function so I don't generate more refptr symbols sigh). And then I write to that location when the allocator is initialized. And it actually works...

Sometime in between rust 1.61 and rust 1.75 the rust devs also made it so the #[global_allocator] attribute actually generates the __rust_{alloc|alloc_zeroed|dealloc|realloc} symbols, so we don't need to provide those anymore, BUT we do need to initialize the allocator somewhere now. I put that code in bofentry::entrypoint.

At least as of CS 4.9 the builtin COFF parser (pe.ObjExecutable) does relocations inside of .data, but still not .rdata. I suppose we could just merge .rdata into data and not have to do any relocations at all. A task for another time perhaps. I noticed this because all of my addresses in .data were about doubled... so I was applying the relocations when they were already applied.

It also seems like rustc now generates IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32 relocation types which are a bit annoying to understand. I referenced a few sources and came up with some code that seems to work.

So it works again. I also found a neat trick to stop LLVM from prepending underscores to every symbol. Just put \x01 right before the name. Thanks alexchrichton.


I don't know if this will work with future versions of CS or rust. Maybe.
I've been using rust 1.75.0 nightly (2024-02-07) and CS 4.9.

Known issues

TBD I guess.

