

Fast End-to-End Trainable Guided Filter

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Official implementation of Fast End-to-End Trainable Guided Filter.
Faster, Better and Lighter for pixel-wise image prediction.


DeepGuidedFilter is the author's implementation of:

Fast End-to-End Trainable Guided Filter
Huikai Wu, Shuai Zheng, Junge Zhang, Kaiqi Huang
CVPR 2018

With our method, FCNs can run 10-100 times faster w/o performance drop.

Contact: Hui-Kai Wu (huikaiwu@icloud.com)

Get Started

Prepare Environment [Python>=3.6]

  1. Download source code from GitHub.
    git clone https://github.com/wuhuikai/DeepGuidedFilter
    cd DeepGuidedFilter && git checkout release
  2. Install dependencies.
    conda install opencv=3.4
    conda install pytorch=1.1 torchvision=0.2 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch
    pip install -r requirements.txt 
  3. (Optional) Install dependencies for MonoDepth.
    cd ComputerVision/MonoDepth
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Ready to GO !

Image Processing

cd ImageProcessing/DeepGuidedFilteringNetwork

python predict.py  --task auto_ps \
                   --img_path ../../images/auto_ps.jpg \
                   --save_folder . \
                   --model deep_guided_filter_advanced \
                   --low_size 64 \
                   --gpu 0

See Here or python predict.py -h for more details.

Semantic Segmentation with Deeplab-Resnet

  1. Enter the directory.
    cd ComputerVision/Deeplab-Resnet
  2. Download the pretrained model [Google Drive|BaiduYunPan].
  3. Run it now !
    python predict_dgf.py --img_path ../../images/segmentation.jpg --snapshots [MODEL_PATH]


  1. Result is in ../../images.
  2. Run python predict_dgf.py -h for more details.

Saliency Detection with DSS

  1. Enter the directory.
    cd ComputerVision/Saliency_DSS
  2. Download the pretrained model [Google Drive|BaiduYunPan].
  3. Try it now !
    python predict.py --im_path ../../images/saliency.jpg \
                      --netG [MODEL_PATH] \
                      --thres 161 \
                      --dgf --nn_dgf \
                      --post_sigmoid --cuda


  1. Result is in ../../images.
  2. See Here or python predict.py -h for more details.

Monocular Depth Estimation

  1. Enter the directory.
    cd ComputerVision/MonoDepth
  2. Download and Unzip Pretrained Model [Google Drive|BaiduYunPan]
  3. Run on an Image
    python monodepth_simple.py --image_path ../../images/depth.jpg --checkpoint_path [MODEL_PATH] --guided_filter


  1. Result is in ../../images.
  2. See Here or python monodepth_simple.py -h for more details.

Guided Filtering Layer

Install Released Version


Training from scratch

Prepare Training Environment

git checkout master

conda install opencv=3.4
conda install pytorch=1.1 torchvision=0.2 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch

pip uninstall Pillow
pip install -r requirements.txt

# (Optional) For MonoDepth
pip install -r ComputerVision/MonoDepth/requirements.txt 

Start to Train


  title     = {Fast End-to-End Trainable Guided Filter},
  author    = {Wu, Huikai and Zheng, Shuai and Zhang, Junge and Huang, Kaiqi},
  booktitle = {CVPR},
  year = {2018}