


Whitespace is a strange language. Its tokens are space, line-feed, and tab — everything else is comment. It's stack based, has console i/o, and an associative store. Yes, it's Turing complete. Yes, you'd be insane to use it. It belongs to the venerable tradition of languages like Brainf*ck, Shakespeare, and Unlambda.

Here's my Whitespace interpreter, written in Ruby. It's nothing to be proud of, but hey, what do you expect at 4 a.m.?

I stayed up for the better part of a night writing this. Why? Crazy, I guess.


Here's my whitespace assembler, also written in Ruby.

This test program prints the alphabet: alphabet.wsa

To assemble it, run whitespace-asm like this:

./whitespace-asm alphabet.wsa

That should generate alphabet.ws.

Then run it:

./whitespace alphabet.ws



A "#" anywhere on a line starts a comment. The rest of the line is ignored. Blank lines are ignored.


You can use this alternate syntax for a label if you wish:



Stack Manipulationpushsigned-numberPush a number onto the stack
dupPush top of stack into the stack again
swapSwap two topmost numbers on stack
discardPop & discard number on top of stack
ArithmeticaddPop two numbers, add, push result
subPop two numbers, subtract, push result
mulPop two numbers, multiply, push result
divPop two numbers, integer divide, push result
modPop two numbers, modulo, push result
Heap AccessstorePop value and address; store value on heap at that address
retrievePop address; push onto stack the heap value at that address
Flow Controllabelunsigned-numberTarget for other flow-control ops
callunsigned-numberCall subroutine
jumpunsigned-numberUnconditional jump
jzunsigned-numberPop top of stack; jump if it's zero
jnunsigned-numberPop top of stack; jump if it's negative
retReturn from subroutine
exitExit interpreter
I/OoutcharPop top of stack; print it as ascii character
outnumPop top of stack; print it as decimal number
readcharRead character from stdin & push it onto stack
readnumRead integer from stdin & push it onto stack


Here's my whitespace disassembler. It's nothing more than a cheap hack of my interpreter.

Yes, there's too much duplicated code between these three programs. No, I'm not going to fix it tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

Content of this site is © Wayne Conrad. All rights reserved.