


BlueSpace is an interpreter for the Whitespace programming language.


Whitespace is an esoteric programming language that was created by Edwin Brady and Chris Morris and is based at http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/ (archived version from 2015-07-15). Its syntax consists entirely of invisible characters: space, tab and line feed.


This interpreter is written in Python 3 and boasts the following features:

To run a Whitespace program, simply execute ./bspace.py source.ws; to see other options, use ./bspace.py --help.

Assembly Syntax

Each line of the source must match one of the following forms, where number is any decimal integer and label is any string of s and t characters with an optional trailing n. Each line maps to a single Whitespace instruction. A # begins a comment; it and any subsequent characters on the same line are ignored.

<pre> Push <i>number</i> Duplicate Copy <i>number</i> Swap Discard Slide <i>number</i> Add Subtract Multiply Divide Modulo Store Retrieve Label <i>label</i> Call <i>label</i> Jump <i>label</i> JumpZero <i>label</i> JumpNegative <i>label</i> Return End OutputChar OutputNum ReadChar ReadNum </pre>


Known incompatibilities between BlueSpace 1.1 and WSpace 0.3:


Here is some code I've written in Whitespace.


Why BlueSpace? It is, in fact, named after Sir Lancelot's favourite colour; anyone who is familiar with the Python documentation should be sufficiently conditioned to expect such silliness.


I have another page about Whitespace and BlueSpace which includes some of my own Whitespace programs at http://cpjsmith.co.uk/whitespace