

WSL SDK for .NET Standard/.NET Core

NuGet version (Wslhub.Sdk)

This project contains a WSL API wrapper for Windows developers who wants to integrate WSL features into existing Windows applications. You can enumerate, query, executing WSL commands via C# classes.

How to use

You will need the below items to use the WSL APIs.


Due to the limitation of COM security model requirements of WSL APIs, you can not run this SDK within the Visual Studio Test Explorer or LINQPAD.

Code Example

Basic Usage

using Wslhub.Sdk;

// Place the code Wsl.InitializeSecurityModel() at the top of your application's Main() method.

// Assert WSL installation status

// Enumerate distro list
var distros = Wsl.GetDistroListFromRegistry();

// Query distro informations
var queryResults = Wsl.GetDistroQueryResult();

// Run a command
var result = Wsl.RunWslCommand(distroName, "cat /etc/passwd");

// Run a command with default distro
var defaultDistro = Wsl.GetDefaultDistro();
var result = defaultDistro.RunWslCommand("cat /etc/passwd");

Stream Redirection

using var outputStream = new MemoryStream();

var defaultDistro = Wsl.GetDefaultDistro();
defaultDistro.RunWslCommand("ls /dev | gzip -", outputStream);

outputStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
using var gzStream = new GZipStream(outputStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true);
using var streamReader = new StreamReader(gzStream, new UTF8Encoding(false), false);
var content = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
