

TopoToolbox - a set of Matlab functions for topographic analysis

<img src="https://github.com/wschwanghart/topotoolbox/blob/master/topotoolbox.jpg" align="center" height="100">

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TopoToolbox provides a set of Matlab functions that support the analysis of relief and flow pathways in digital elevation models. The major aim of TopoToolbox is to offer helpful analytical GIS utilities in a non-GIS environment in order to support the simultaneous application of GIS-specific and other quantitative methods.

If you have any questions or remarks, please contact the authors:

Wolfgang Schwanghart w.schwanghart[at]geo.uni-potsdam.de

Dirk Scherler scherler[at]gfz-potsdam.de


TopoToolbox is plat-form independent and requires Matlab 2016b or higher and the Image Processing Toolbox. The Mapping Toolbox is not mandatory, but good to have to facilitate easy data exchange with GIS software. Some functions support parallelisation using the Parallel Toolbox. Few functions require the Optimization or Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox.


When you use TopoToolbox in your work, please reference following publication:

If you are using version 1, then please refer to this publication:

In addition, various models and algorithms used in TopoToolbox have been published in the following articles.

DEM preprocessing and carving

TopoToolbox Landscape Evolution Modelling (TTLEM) and HyLands

Excess topography


Divide functions

Point patterns on stream networks

Getting started

Before working with TopoToolbox the directories and functions must be on the search path of Matlab. Enter following code into the command line:


To remove .git-folders from the path, run


To make these paths permanent, use the command


Type doc in the command line to open the main documentation page. You'll find the TopoToolbox documentation in the section Supplemental Software.
The documentation contains several user's guides that will help you getting started. In addition, TopoToolbox functions have extensive help sections (e.g. help gradient8 or help STREAMobj/modify. An additional resource for code and examples is the TopoToolbox blog.

Version History

pre 2.5








V2.0 introduces an object oriented approach towards grid representation, flow direction, stream networks and swath objects. The performance of various, inparticular flow related, functions was increased. Mex-files have been written to increase the speed of some functions and are delivered as 64bit Windows binaries. They have been compiled on Windows 7 with an Intel processor, so they should be compiled before using them, if your system differs. However, compiling is not mandatory, since m versions are available, too, which are a little slower. Please refer to the Contents.m file for a complete list of functions.

V1.06 --- 11. November 2011

V1.05 --- 15. September 2010

V1.04 --- 5. January 2010 - first public release

V1.03 --- 5. November 2009

V1.02 --- 30. October 2009

V1.01 --- 16. September 2009

V1.0 --- 15. March 2009