


Callisto is an open-source Kubernetes-native implementation of Selenium Grid.

See this repository for the source code.

How to run in Docker for Mac

  1. Install kubectl & helm
  2. Enable Kubernetes in Docker for Mac
  3. Install Ingress Controller
  4. Install callisto:

helm template . | kubectl apply -f -

  1. Add corresponding line to the bottom of /etc/hosts:

localhost callisto.local

How to run in minikube

  1. Install kubectl & helm
  2. Install minikube
  3. Enable Ingress Controller
  4. Install callisto:

helm template . | kubectl apply -f -

  1. Get external minikube ip:

minikube ip

  1. Add corresponding line to the bottom of /etc/hosts:

<minikube.external.ip> callisto.local

How to access callisto features

  1. To open Selenoid UI use:


  1. To run your tests use the same url:


How to run as helm release

  1. To install the chart with the release name callisto:

kubectl create ns callisto && helm install callisto .

  1. To uninstall the release and clean up all related stuff:

helm delete --no-hooks callisto && kubectl delete ns callisto