

CAPTIV8 0.0.1: Captive Portal Evasion

        ___     _____   _____  _______  _______  _     _   _____
      _(___)_  (_____) (_____)(__ _ __)(_______)(_)   (_) (_____)
     (_)   (_)(_)___(_)(_)__(_)  (_)      (_)   (_)   (_)(_)___(_)
     (_)    _ (_______)(_____)   (_)      (_)   (_)   (_) (_____)
     (_)___(_)(_)   (_)(_)       (_)    __(_)__  (_)_(_) (_)___(_)
       (___)  (_)   (_)(_)       (_)   (_______)  (___)   (_____)

The Evil Twin's Younger Brother

License: GPLv3 PyPI Version Supported Python Versions Software status


captiv8 is a captive portal evasion tool. It enumerates all BSSIDs that are part of a specified SSID (or ESSID) and identifies potential STAs (clients) to masquerade as.

captiv8 can be used for a variety of reasons:

  1. You're an asshole and you want to surf for free off of someone else's dime whether it's a paid subscription hotspot or a guest network in your neighborhood with whitelisted MACs
  2. You want some anonymity. Of course you could just switch your mac address but your traffic is tied to the same MAC.
    • With captiv8, your traffic will blend in with someone else's
    • It's a free hotspot but requires some PII to pass the captive portal i.e. Last name and room number
  3. You're a legimate hotspot owner or guest network owner and want to test your network/ability to identify illegitimate access.


a. Requirements

captiv8 requires a Linux box preferred kernel 3.13.x and greater and Python 2.7. It also requires the packages Scapy and PyRIC. You'll also need a wireless card that supports monitor mode and nl80211. And of course, an open network to test.

b. Install from Package Manager

Obviously, the easiest way to install captiv8 is through PyPI:

> sudo pip install captiv8

c. Install from Source

Download the captiv8 tarball, untar to favorate directory and execute

sudo python captiv.py

from the captiv8/captiv8 directory.

Scapy should be present on most systems and PyRIC can be installed via pip.


ATT terminal must be 80x24 before executing captiv8.