

A package for Max/MSP/Jitter to support computational worldmaking

Currently includes:

Much more to come!


Download the package and place into your Max Packages folder. (On Windows, My Documents/Max 7/Packages, on Mac, ~/Documents/Max 7/Packages), then restart Max.

Take a look at patchers in the help and examples folders to get to know the package.


If you have trouble loading externals on Windows, you might need to install the visual studio 2015 redistributable package. It is free.

Hardware requirements for the VR objects ([oculusrift] and [htcvive])

Obviously, you need the respective Oculus Rift or HTC Vive head-mounted display hardware!

Creating a virtual reality world requires high-performance computer graphics -- with the current generation of consumer head-mounted displays, it requires the equivalent of two HD or better resolution screens rendering at 90 frames per second. At present the recommended PC requirements to cover both the Rift and the Vive are:

Created by Graham Wakefield and the Alice Lab for Computational Worldmaking at York University, Toronto.