


Notice: We just released etcdwp 2! 🚀🚀🚀

etcdwp 2! Now only supports DMG installation.

Compared to etcdwp (this repo), etcdwp 2 provides more delightful features, such as Key-value management (yes, finally!), dark mode, and more. Besides that, etcdwp 2 is rewritten from the beginning with native technology, making it more morden, beautiful, and fast!

What's more, etcdwp 2 is free 💰 to download! Don't hesitate, download it from the App Store now and try it out!

Download on the App Store

(or searching "etcdwp" on macOS App Store if the above link doesn't work for you.)


Macos install DMG


Commitizen friendly

etcdwp is a beautiful, easy-to-use etcd management application built on the modern web with Golang, Flutter, and SwiftUI.

etcdwp starts with all the basic features you need:

It also supports many advanced features:

ETCD TLS certificate production and certificate verification

You can refer to the example here to configure a TLS certificate, if you do not generate a certificate, you can also refer to here. ETCD TLS Example

Note: etcdwp only supports etcd >= 3.0.

Download etcdwp on Windows

You can download compiled installer of etcdwp for Windows from the below page download page.

Download etcdwp on Mac

You can download compiled versions of etcdwp for Mac OS X from the release page.

Download etcdwp on Linux

You can download compiled installer of etcdwp for Linux from the below page download page.

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<table><tr><td width="5%"><a href="https://github.com/zlbfzl2000"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/21557155?v=4"/></a><p align="center">zlbfzl2000</p></td><td width="5%"><a href="https://github.com/shumintao"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/26895243?v=4"/></a><p align="center">shumintao</p></td></tr></table>
