


This addon was spun out of a discussion on emberjs/rfcs#191 [Deprecate component lifecycle hook arguments].

ember-diff-attrs provides a dry way to track attribute changes using a component's didReceiveAttrs lifecycle hook.

PRs, RFCs and comments are welcome!


@GavinJoyce and I (mostly Gavin) created an alternative version of this addon that offers a slightly cleaner API using a mixin instead of a decorator.

See: ember-did-change-attrs


Shorthand usage

import diffAttrs from 'ember-diff-attrs';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  didReceiveAttrs: diffAttrs('email', 'isAdmin', function(changedAttrs, ...args) {

    if(changedAttrs && changedAttrs.email) {
      let oldEmail = changedAttrs.email[0],
          newEmail = changedAttrs.email[1];
      // Do stuff

Some quick notes:

Extended usage

import diffAttrs from 'ember-diff-attrs';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  didReceiveAttrs: diffAttrs({
    keys: ['user', 'isAdmin'],
    isEqual(key, a, b) {
      if (key === 'user') {
        return (a && b) ? a.id === b.id : a === b;
      return a === b;
    hook(changedAttrs, ...args) {

      if(changedAttrs && changedAttrs.user) {
        let oldUser = changedAttrs.user[0],
            newUser = changedAttrs.user[1];
        // Do stuff

Design thoughts / rationales.

Outstanding Questions

Changed attrs format

I followed ember-data's precedence for representing old and new values (model.changedAttributes()). This format has always felt odd to me. I'm more than happy to discuss changing this.


Since this addon is implemented as a macro, it cannot easily utilize a component's init call to setup. Because of this, we are unable to determine what has changed the first time didUpdateAttrs is called.

Running tests

Running the dummy application

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This project is licensed under the MIT License.