

Worker News

A drop in replacement for Hacker News with support for dark mode, quotes in comments, user identicons and submission favicons.


What's cool about this?



You can run the worker locally either via Wrangler, Node+Miniflare or Deno CLI. For Node/Wrangler it's best to install dependencies via pnpm (lockfile checked in), but npm or yarn is probably fine too.

Then run npm start and open http://localhost:8787. If you have Wrangler 2.0 is installed, run wrangler dev --local instead.

Deno users can simply run deno task serve and open http://localhost:8000.

Note on Running on Cloudflare Workers

While the app runs fine with Miniflare/wrangler dev --local, it works poorly when running on Cloudflare's edge network. The reason is that the HN API is not usable from CF Workers. Firebase is missing dependencies in the runtime (probably WebSocket or similar), while the REST API runs into CF Workers' 50 subrequest limit. This only leaves the DOM API (HTML scraping), which usually triggers HN's scrape shield...