

Embedding Guide

  1. Create a mapping between Workato URLs and internal URLs and make this configuration available in both server- and client-side code:

    For example:

    Workato URLOEM Vendor URL
  2. On request to one of OEM Vendor URLs find corresponding Workato URL and use it to construct IFrame's src attribute.

    For example user loads /solutions/5 page. It corresponds to Workato's /recipes/5 page so we generate an HTML page which renders <iframe src="https://workato.com/recipes/5">.

  3. Inject a Workato Embedding Client script on every page that contain this IFrame: <script src="https://workato.com/embedding-client.js">.

    There are a few important things to note:

    • It should be injected before the <iframe> element.
    • It shouldn't contain neither async nor defer attributes as it must be loaded synchronously before an IFrame.

    It creates a global WorkatoApi object that allows to control embedded Workato web app.

  4. Inject the following script after the "Workato Embedding Client" script:

    // Subscribing to `navigation` event which is fired by the embedded Workato app when user attempts to load
    // another page e.g. when he clicks on some link.
    WorkatoApi.on('navigation', function (navigation) {
      // Finding corresponding URL using a mapping created on step 1.
      // Workato URL is stored in `navigation.url` property.
      // `findInternalUrl` function should be implemented by OEM vendor.
      var url = findInternalUrl(navigation.url);
      // Loading a new page if we've found a mapping and this is not the current page.
      // `isCurrentUrl` function should be implemented by OEM vendor.
      // For example, it may look like this: `return url === location.pathname`.
      if (url && !isCurrentUrl(url)) {
        location.href = url;
  5. Use normal links to perform navigations between pages e.g. <a href="/solutions/5"> will load a page containing <iframe src="https://workato.com/recipes/5">.