

Gopher Ataman


Another Text Attribute Manipulator

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The goal of the project is to help render colored text in terminal applications with text attribute manipulation contained in text template. The idea is similar to HTML, e.g. <span style="color:green">Hello!</span>

ataman is not a full-featured template processor. It aims only on simple terminal text attribute, graphic mode in ANSI terms, manipulations using ANSI sequences.



To install the package use go get gopkg.in/workanator/go-ataman.v1

Quick Example

The next example shows basic usage of the package. The renderer here uses basic decoration style.

rndr := ataman.NewRenderer(ataman.BasicStyle())
tpl := "<light+green>%s<->, <bg+light+yellow,black,bold> <<%s>> <-><red>!"
fmt.Println(rndr.MustRenderf(tpl, "Hello", "Terminal World"))

This example produces colored text like this.

Example Output

Renderer is able to pre-render templates so in further output operations they can be reused without parsing and rendering. In this example the renderer uses curly brackets decoration style.

rndr := ataman.NewRenderer(ataman.CurlyStyle())
prep := rndr.MustPrepare("{light_green}%s{-}, {bg_light_yellow+black+bold} <%s> {-}{red}!")
fmt.Println(rndr.MustRenderf(tpl, "Hi", "Everybody"))

The pre-rendered template implements fmt.Stringer interface so it can be used in output operations without additional code, e.g.

prep := rndr.MustPrepare("{red}Red {green}Green {blue}Blue{-}")

Writing Templates

Templates follow the simple rules.

Decoration styles use the follows dictionary.

Some template examples with curly decoration style.

Customizing Renderer

The package allows to customize tag decorations what can be achieved through decorate.Style struct. The struct should be initialized with preferred values. For example with the code below we can define a decoration style like [[bold,yellow]]Warning![[-]] [[intensive_white]]This package is awesome![[-]] :).

style := decorate.Style{
  TagOpen:            decorate.NewMarker("[["),
  TagClose:           decorate.NewMarker("]]"),
  AttributeDelimiter: decorate.NewMarker(","),
  ModDelimiter:       decorate.NewMarker("-"),
  Attributes:         ansi.DefaultDict,

rndr := ataman.NewRenderer(style)

The rules of decoration styles are the follows.

It's recommended to use attribute codes defined in ansi package with the default Renderer provided by ataman.