

RATS: Remote Android Test Service


###What is RATS? RATS is an easy to run Test Runner Service that can be hosted anywhere a device can be connected. It was designed to thwart device hogs and provide a level playing field for shops who can't afford more expensive testing services.

It should be as simple to setup as it is to run thanks to the gradle plugin

Why Rats?

"RATS!" was what I anticipated our developers at VOKAL Interactive saying whenever their tests failed.



  1. Download the binary for your architecture and os from here
  2. Have a mongo database running (see here for more information)
  3. rats-server_os_arch -port 8080 -db mongodb://somehost

####But my FreeBSD machine cant run ADB!

Run rats with the adb_address and adb_port flags to point it to another machine! Run all your server in the cloud and your devices on your desk!

Run Your Tests

curl -X POST myserver.local:8080/api/run -F apk=@myapk.apk -F test-apk=@myapk-test.apk

Seriously, that's it!



###Gradle Plugin

RATS Gradle Plugin

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.10.+'
        classpath 'com.wmbest.gradle:rats:0.2.+'

apply plugin: 'android'
apply plugin: 'rats'

###Whats Missing / What's to come


So far mostly me(wmbest2), but not without support from VOKAL Interactive

Let's see more!

