

Google Translate(PopClipExtension)


NOTE: Since version 3.0, the Python interpreter is switched from Python2 to Python3. If you don't have Python3 installed in your system, please install it yourself.

An unofficial free Google translate PopClip Extension based on Googletrans Python API.


<div align=center><img width="70%" height="70%" src="https://github.com/wizyoung/googletranslate.popclipext/blob/master/screenshots/en2cn.gif?raw=true"/></div> <div align=center><img width="70%" height="70%" src="https://github.com/wizyoung/googletranslate.popclipext/blob/master/screenshots/cn2en.gif?raw=true"/></div>

Click Copy to copy the translated results.


<div align=center><img width="30%" height="30%" src="https://github.com/wizyoung/googletranslate.popclipext/blob/master/screenshots/settings.png?raw=true"/></div>

You can change all these settings by clicking the pencil shaped icon at the bottom of the popclip drop-down list.


Download the file from Releases and double click to install the extension.

The auto update alert feature is new to version 2.1, so the extension will check for updates once every seven days.

Frequently asked questions

It's the bug of PopClip. You can manually trigger PopClip window to appear by AppleScript: tell application "PopClip" to appear. And I'm using BetterTouchTool to achieve this function by binding 3 Finger Swipe Up gesture to run this AppleScript.



If this extension helps you a lot, you can support me by:

<div align=center><img width="60%" height="60%" src="https://github.com/wizyoung/googletranslate.popclipext/blob/master/screenshots/donation.png?raw=true"/></div>