

Wix Embedded MySql Build Status (Travis: Linux/OSX) Build Status (AppVeyor: Windows) Maven Central

[DEPRECATED] - mostly due to substantial changes in packaging between version changes and emergence of new and better ways to run embedded mysql. Please check-out Testcontainers as a better alternative.



Add dependency to your pom.xml:



Basic usage example

You can start an embedded mysql with defaults and a single schema:

import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql;

import static com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql.anEmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver.classPathScript;
import static com.wix.mysql.distribution.Version.v5_7_latest;

EmbeddedMysql mysqld = anEmbeddedMysql(v5_7_latest)
    .addSchema("aschema", classPathScript("db/001_init.sql"))

//do work

mysqld.stop(); //optional, as there is a shutdown hook

Customizing mysqld settings

If you need more control in configuring embeded mysql instance, you can use MysqldConfig builder:

import com.wix.mysql.config.MysqldConfig;
import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static com.wix.mysql.config.MysqldConfig.aMysqldConfig;
import static com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql.anEmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.distribution.Version.v5_6_23;
import static com.wix.mysql.config.Charset.UTF8;

MysqldConfig config = aMysqldConfig(v5_6_23)
    .withUser("differentUser", "anotherPassword")
    .withTimeout(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
    .withServerVariable("max_connect_errors", 666)

EmbeddedMysql mysqld = anEmbeddedMysql(config)
    .addSchema("aschema", ScriptResolver.classPathScript("db/001_init.sql"))
    .addSchema("aschema2", ScriptResolver.classPathScripts("db/*.sql"))

//do work

mysqld.stop(); //optional, as there is a shutdown hook

Customizing download settings

In addition you can control additional settings of embedded mysql by providing configs that have base type of AdditionalConfig by providing those to anEmbeddedMysql builder:

import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql;

import static com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql.anEmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver.classPathScript;
import static com.wix.mysql.distribution.Version.v5_7_latest;
import static com.wix.mysql.config.DownloadConfig.aDownloadConfig;
import static com.wix.mysql.config.ProxyFactory.aHttpProxy;

DownloadConfig downloadConfig = aDownloadConfig()
    .withProxy(aHttpProxy("remote.host", 8080))

EmbeddedMysql mysqld = anEmbeddedMysql(v5_7_latest, downloadConfig)
    .addSchema("aschema", classPathScript("db/001_init.sql"))

//do work

mysqld.stop(); //optional, as there is a shutdown hook

Multiple schemas/databases

EmbeddedMysql supports multiple schemas and additional configuration options provided via SchemaConfig builder:

import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql;
import com.wix.mysql.config.SchemaConfig;

import static com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql.anEmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver.classPathScript;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver.classPathScripts;
import static com.wix.mysql.config.SchemaConfig.aSchemaConfig;
import static com.wix.mysql.config.Charset.LATIN1;
import static com.wix.mysql.distribution.Version.v5_6_latest;

SchemaConfig schema = aSchemaConfig("aSchema")

EmbeddedMysql mysqld = anEmbeddedMysql(v5_6_latest)
    .addSchema("aschema2", classPathScripts("db/*.sql"))

//do work

mysqld.stop(); //optional, as there is a shutdown hook

Resetting schemas between tests

It is intended to be started once per test-suite, but you can reset schema in between tests which recreates database and applies provided migrations:

import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql;

import static com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql.anEmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver.classPathScript;
import static com.wix.mysql.distribution.Version.v5_6_latest;

EmbeddedMysql mysqld = anEmbeddedMysql(v5_6_latest)
    .addSchema("aschema", classPathScript("db/001_init.sql"))

//do work

mysqld.reloadSchema("aschema", classPathScript("db/001_init.sql"));

//continue on doing work

mysqld.stop(); //optional, as there is a shutdown hook

Source for examples can be found here

Using in a hermetic environment

Some build tools strongly encourages you to have tests which are isolated from the internet.
To support such a use-case you can use the wix-embedded-mysql-download-and-extract utility.
It produces a runnable jar (wix-embedded-mysql-download-and-extract-[[VERSION]]-jar-with-dependencies.jar) which you can call with java -jar wix-embedded-mysql-download-and-extract-[[VERSION]]-jar-with-dependencies.jar $downloadDir $majorVersion $minorVersion and it will download and extract the needed installer for you.
Additionally you should pass the download directory to your test so that it can configure your DownloadConfig#withCacheDir to use that directory instead of downloading it from the internet.


Build on top of de.flapdoodle.embed.process

How it works

Tested on

Known issues

sudo apt-get install libaio1
sudo apt-get install libncurses5
libnuma1 libssl1.0 libcrypto++6


Use of this source code is governed by a BSD License, which basically means you can use and modify it freely.

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