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What is this ?

ModernKeePassLib is a port of KeePassLib to .netstandard 1.2, distributed as a nuget package. The aim was to change as little as possible the original library. However, some workarounds have to be made as .netstandard 1.2 misses quite a few features of the full .net framework. Main changes:


From nuget.org


  1. Create a IOConnectionInfo from a byte array: var ioConnection = IOConnectionInfo.FromByteArray(file);
  2. Create a composite key and add credential information: var compositeKey = new CompositeKey(); // Password compositeKey.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword("Password")); // Key file compositeKey.AddUserKey(new KcpKeyFile(IOConnectionInfo.FromByteArray(KeyFileContents)));`
  3. Use it to open the database: // You may use whatever logger you choose (here, I use nullstatuslogger) PwDatabase.Open(ioConnection, compositeKey, new NullStatusLogger());
  4. Do stuff in you database (create entries, groups, ...)
  5. Save your changes: PwDatabase.Save(new NullStatusLogger());
  6. At this point, nothing is commited to disk, so you need to retrieve the byte array: var contents = PwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.Bytes;
  7. Write the byte array to a file, to a stream, whatever !
