

<img src="https://geogeob.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/build/definitions/04291454-0e79-47a4-9502-5bd374804ccf/2/badge"/> Quality Gate Status


ModernKeePass is port of the classic Windows application KeePass 2.x for the Windows Store.
It does not aim to be feature perfect, but aims at being simple to use and user-friendly.

You can get it here


Build and Test

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Build the main app (the library reference dll is actually a NuGet dependency, built from the ModernKeePassLib project)
  3. Edit the .appxmanifest file to select another certificate (you can create one using Visual Studio or certutil.exe)


I'm not the best at creating nice assets, so if anyone would like to contribute some nice icons, it would be awesome :) Otherwise, there are still many things left to implement:


Dominik Reichl for the KeePass application, library and file format
David Lechner for his PCL adapatation of the KeePass Library and the related tests which served as an inspiration basis for my own adaptation