


FlexRML-node is a Node.js compatible version of FlexRML compiled to WebAssembly. This implementation is based on the ESP32 version of FlexRML, meaning all data is mapped in memory and performed in a single thread. The package is tested on Ubuntu 24.04 using node v22.3.0 and Windows 10 using node v16.13.2.

How to Use

Loading the Module

const flexrml = require("flexrml-node");

Map RDF data with FlexRML

To map data using flexrml-node, call the mapData function:

const result = await flexrml.mapData(input, rmlRule);


For an example, check out the example.js.

Building form source

flexrml-node can be built from source using emscripten. This version is compiled with emcc version 3.1.61.

To compile make sure your are in the flex-rml-node directory and execute this command:

emcc src/FlexRML.cpp src/base64.cpp src/byte_source.cpp src/conversion.cpp src/csv_reader.cpp src/custom_io.cpp src/env.cpp src/flexinput.cpp src/n3.cpp src/node.cpp src/rdf_parser.cpp src/rdf_vector_helper.cpp src/reader.cpp src/rml_extractor.cpp src/string.cpp src/string_helper.cpp src/system.cpp src/termtype_helper.cpp src/uri.cpp src/writer.cpp -o flex.js -s WASM=1 -s MODULARIZE=1 -s EXPORT_NAME="createModule" -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s ENVIRONMENT=node -O3 --bind

The file index.js contains a wrapper for the WebAssembly code and handles data transformations.