

JianShi 简诗

A Full-Stack mobile app, including Android side & Server side, Simple-Poem 简诗. You can write poem in graceful & traditional Chinese style. It supports signup & login, data sync with server, offline data storage, screenshot share etc.

一款优雅的中国风Android App,包括Android端和Server端,支持登录注册,数据云端同步,离线数据存储和截屏分享等功能。


<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wingjay.android.jianshi"><img alt="Google Play" src="https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/images/generic/en-play-badge.png" height=50px/></a>

下载地址: Fir.im

Technology JianShi used

Android side

Jianshi depends on the most popular Android libraries to build Stable and Clean structure.

Thanks Square for their great libraries.

Server side

Jianshi depends on Python & Flask.

The server architecture is:

Android UI

<img src="material/screenshots/with_phone/1.PNG" width = 400> <img src="material/screenshots/with_phone/2.PNG" width = 400> <img src="material/screenshots/with_phone/3.PNG" width = 400> <img src="material/screenshots/with_phone/4.PNG" width = 400> <img src="material/screenshots/with_phone/7.PNG" width = 400> <img src="material/screenshots/with_phone/8.PNG" width = 400> <img src="material/screenshots/with_phone/6.png" width = 400> <img src="material/screenshots/3.png" width = 400> <img src="material/screenshots/with_phone/5.jpg" width = 600> <img src="material/screenshots/shareImage.png" width = 800>

Chinese Blog for jianshi



We build Android & Server together for JianShi. wingjay, RayPan.

Development History

I use my extra time for this project development, so the development process doesn't go very fast.

Inspired By


