


rutorrent-stats is a small PHP script that makes it possible to check the vitals of one or more seedboxes running rtorrent with a rutorrent front-end (Web UI).

Live sites

rutorrent-stats is used in a production environment at http://driverpacks.net — you can see the results at the downloads and statistics pages. There, they are used in tandem with the OpenTracker Drupal module.


You need to include rutorrent-stats.inc. Then use the function rutorrent_stats(), which is the only public function exposed by rutorrent-stats. rutorrent_stats() accepts an array of arrays with seedbox authentication credentials. The keys of these nested arrays are the names of the seedboxes (and can contain any value). The nested arrays themselves then, contain the following key-value pairs:

For example:

$seedboxes = array(
  'seedbox company name' => array(
    'url'      => 'http://seedboxcompany.com/plugins/httprpc/action.php',
    'username' => 'your username',
    'password' => 'your password,
    'authtype' => CURLAUTH_BASIC,
    'rpc'      => 'httprpc',
$stats = rutorrent_stats($seedboxes);
print json_encode($stats);

This example, but with two seedboxes, is also in the repository: rutorrent-stats.php.



While unit tests are missing, the scope of this project does not warrant the required effort at this time — especially because any update of rutorrent may break these scripts.


It does this by taking advantage of rutorrent's RPC functionality. It supports both rutorrent's HTTPRPC (which actually uses JSON-RPC) and RPC (which actually uses XML-RPC) plug-ins. If you have the choice, use HTTPRPC, because it requires less bandwidth (and thus also less parsing effort).

Due to the vagueness surrounding rutorrent, I have no idea if this is compatible with future or previous versions of rutorrent. This was developed against two seedboxes that both run version 3.2 of rutorrent (and thus also version 3.2 of either RPC plug-in).

The included XML-RPC library in PHP is copied verbatim from Drupal 7.7.

Future plans
