

I am no longer actively maintaining ruby-version as I'm now contributing to and using chruby. Same design philosophy and excellent maintainer and contributors. If you dig the idea behind ruby-version, you'll love chruby!!!

ruby-version exposes a single command ruby-version allowing developers to switch between multiple versions of Ruby.

ruby-version is conceptually similar to rbenv; however, much simpler.

ruby-version consists of a single shell function and an accompanying shell completion script.

ruby-version lives in a single file (including shell completion) which can be sourced via your shell profile.

ruby-version considers leaky abstractions to be a huge flailing fail.

Who is it for?

ruby-version is primarily for developers that compile multiple versions of Ruby on Linux or Mac.

ruby-version gets out of the way so you can work with ruby the same as if you only had a single version installed.

Who is it NOT for?

If you are a super neck-beard academic, you are likely already doing this as a matter of fact as part of your normal workflow; in which case, ruby-version is likely not going to be very interesting to you. I respect that :)


ruby-version attempts to stick to the classic UNIX notion that tools should do one thing well.

While there are smart alternative tools that attempt to solve this problem, none of the tools I've found were simple enough for me.

ruby-version is excellent for automated testing of applications against multiple Ruby versions on a single machine.



Usage Examples

Switch to a specific Ruby version

% ruby-version <version>

List installed Ruby version(s)


List the active Ruby version


Identify full path to:

% which erb

% which gem

% which irb

% which rake

% which rdoc

% which ri

% which ruby

% which testrb

View manual pages

% man erb

% man irb

% man rake

% man ri

% man ruby

Download and Installation


% cd $HOME/local
% git clone https://github.com/wilmoore/ruby-version.git


% mkdir -p $HOME/local/ruby-version
% cd !$
% curl -# -L https://github.com/wilmoore/ruby-version/tarball/master | tar -xz --strip 1


% brew install https://raw.github.com/gist/2341171/ruby-version.rb
% source $(brew --prefix ruby-version)/ruby-version.sh

Activate Default Ruby version

In $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.bash_profile or your shell's equivalent

Configuration for standard installs (the comment block is optional)

# ruby-version (activate default Ruby version and autocompletion)
# export RUBY_VERSIONS                  => reflects location of compiled Ruby versions
# export RUBYVERSION_DISABLE_COMPLETE=1 => to disable shell completion
export RUBY_VERSIONS=${HOME}/local/ruby/versions
source $HOME/local/ruby-version/ruby-version.sh && ruby-version ruby-1.9.2-p318 >/dev/null

Configuration for Homebrew installs (the comment block is optional)

# ruby-version (activate default Ruby version and autocompletion)
# export RUBY_VERSIONS                  => reflects location of compiled Ruby versions
# export RUBYVERSION_DISABLE_COMPLETE=1 => to disable shell completion
export RUBY_VERSIONS=${HOME}/local/ruby/versions
source $(brew --prefix ruby-version)/ruby-version.sh && ruby-version ruby-1.9.2-p318 >/dev/null

Deactivate / Uninstall

Remove Configuration

From your $HOME/.bash_profile or equivalent; remove the call to ruby-version, source ruby-version.sh, and the RUBY_VERSIONS environment variable (of course, keep the variable if used for other purposes):

Remove Files

% rm -rf /path-to/ruby-version # or (brew uninstall ruby-version)

Switching Versions

Call it like this in your terminal

% ruby-version ruby-1.9.2-p318

Bash Completion

% ruby-version ruby-[PRESS-TAB-NOW]
% ruby-version jruby-[PRESS-TAB-NOW]

Building Ruby from Source

ruby-version doesn't care how you've obtained your Ruby versions; it only cares that you've stored them neatly under a common directory structure. You may build multiple Ruby versions manually by typing:

$ ./configure --prefix=... && make && make install

or via a tool such as ruby-build.

The following directory structure or equivalent is recommended (but not required):

% mkdir -p $HOME/local/ruby/download/
% mkdir -p $RUBY_VERSIONS/1.9.3-p125/src

NOTE: assumes you are installing the 1.9.3-p125 version of Ruby

% cd $HOME/local/ruby/download
% wget ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/ruby-1.9.3-p125.tar.gz
% cd $RUBY_VERSIONS/1.9.3-p125/src
% gunzip -c $HOME/local/ruby/download/ruby-1.9.3-p125.tar.gz | tar xz --strip 1

The following configure, make, and make install commands are the bare minimum for building on MAC OSX:

% ./configure --prefix=${RUBY_VERSIONS}/ruby-1.9.3-p125.tar.gz --with-opt-dir=$(brew --prefix libyaml) --with-gcc=clang
% make && make install

NOTE: drop the --with-gcc=clang if you don't have clang. If you are on MAC OSX Lion, you probably want to keep the flag --with-gcc=clang; however, if you are on Linux and you've never heard of clang or know you didn't opt-into it, this option is likely not for you. In that case, your configure line would be:

% ./configure --prefix=${RUBY_VERSIONS}/ruby-1.9.3-p125.tar.gz --with-opt-dir=$(brew --prefix libyaml)
% make && make install

NOTE: Ruby expects that you've installed a Yaml library such as libyaml. You may install libyaml manually or you can use homebrew:

% brew install libyaml

At this point, when you compile Ruby, you need to pass to the flag --with-opt-dir= you libyaml install directory.

Installing JRuby

The following directory structure or equivalent is recommended (but not required):

% mkdir -p $HOME/local/ruby/download/

This assumes you are installing the 1.6.7 version of JRuby:

% cd $HOME/local/ruby/download
% wget http://jruby.org.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/1.6.7/jruby-bin-1.6.7.tar.gz
% gunzip -c $HOME/local/ruby/download/jruby-bin-1.6.7.tar.gz | tar xz


What if my Ruby versions are not stored neatly under a single directory like $HOME/local/ruby/versions?

% RUBY_VERSIONS=/usr/local/Cellar/ruby ruby-version ruby-1.9.3-p125

NEW RUBY ROOT DIRECTORY : /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/ruby-1.9.3-p125

% which ruby



Sorry, but ruby-version requires that $RUBY_VERSIONS is set and points to an existing directory.

The $RUBY_VERSIONS environment variable was not set...you can export it via your shell profile or you can set it on the fly as in the following:

% RUBY_VERSIONS=$HOME/local/ruby/versions ruby-version ruby-1.9.3-p125

Sorry, but ruby-version requires that the environment variable $RUBY_VERSIONS is set in order to initialize bash completion.

The $RUBY_VERSIONS environment variable was not set...you can export it via your shell profile or you can set it on the fly as in the following:

% RUBY_VERSIONS=$HOME/local/ruby/versions ruby-version ruby-1.9.3-p125

Sorry, but ruby-version was unable to find directory 'ruby-1.9.3-p125' under '/home/your-user/local/ruby/versions'.

The version was entered incorrectly (i.e. "ruby-version 1.9.i" instead of "ruby-version ruby-1.9.3-p125") or you haven't yet compiled the given version.


