Humane API for storing and accessing persistent data in IDA Pro databases
n = netnode.Netnode("$ some.namespace")
# treat the netnode like a persistent dictionary:
n["key 1"] = "A"
n[2] = "B"
print(n["key 1"]) --> "A"
print(n[2]) --> "B"
# including the iteration APIs:
print(n.keys()) --> ["key 1", 2]
print(n.values()) --> ["A", "B"]
print(n.items()) --> [("key 1", "A"), (2, "B")]
print("key 1" in n) --> True
print(2 in n) --> True
# store large amounts of data in a single value:
n["some key"] = "A" * 4096
print(n["some key"]) --> "AAAAAAA..."