


Log suid binaries and enforce per-uid suid policy.

suidsnoop is a tool for logging whenever a suid binary is executed on your system and optionally enforcing a per-uid policy for suid binaries. suidnsoop is built using eBPF LSM programs and is written in pure Rust using the Aya library.


  1. Install a rust stable toolchain: rustup install stable
  2. Install a rust nightly toolchain: rustup install nightly
  3. Install bpf-linker: cargo install bpf-linker

Build and Install

git clone https://github.com/willfindlay/suidsnoop && cd suidsnoop
make install

Make sure $HOME/.cargo/bin is in your $PATH!


Log all attempts to run suid binaries:

sudo suidsnoop

Allow uid 1000 and deny all others:

sudo suidsnoop -u 1000

Deny uid 1001 and allow all others:

sudo suidsnoop -U 1001

Do a dry run of a policy:

sudo suidsnoop -U 1001 -d