


The StateMachineExporter is a simple tool to quickly generate a Graphviz compatible file (.dot file) from a Propel XML schema, and the StateMachineBehavior. It can be useful to generate images of your state machines to show application's workflows (for example, in your internship report).

This tool is provided as a phar, compiled using Box.

Run the following command to generate a .dot file:

php statemachine-exporter.phar [filename]

It will generate a file containing, for example, the following data:

digraph G {
    draft -> published [label="publish"]
    draft -> feedback_requested [label="requestfeedback"]
    draft -> rejected [label="reject"]
    published -> draft [label="unpublish"]
    published -> rejected [label="reject"]
    feedback_requested -> published [label="publish"]
    feedback_requested -> rejected [label="reject"]

You can use dot to generate a PNG:

dot -Tpng generated_file.dot > generated_file.png

Here is an example:


StateMachineExporter is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.