EasyRules Tutorials Groovy
EasyRules tutorials using Groovy beans with a Gradle build script.
Based on Easy Rules and the Java/Maven Tutorials
NB: Use then terminal command 'TERM=dumb' OR '--console=plain' along
with '--quiet' or '-q' to suppress Gradle build output lines.
./gradlew usage
Prints the following usage to the console
./gradlew FizzBuzz
Baseline FizzBuzz using code. (From:
Prints the integers from 1 to 100. For multiples of 3, print 'Fizz' instead
of the integer and for the multiples of 5, print 'Buzz'. For integers which are
multiples of both 3 and 5, print 'FizzBuzz'.
./gradlew FizzBuzzER
FizzBuzz implementation using EasyRules.
./gradlew Simple
Very simple EasyRules examples with one, always true, rule.
./gradlew HelloWorld --quiet --console=plain
Obligatory 'Hello, world' example where the input is evaluated by a rule.
./gradlew Shop -P person=Tommy -P age=15 --quiet --console=plain
Rule to evaluate drinking age (US 21); Name and age can be passed in via the command line
or system properties; Default is 'Tom' at age '17'.
./gradlew Fire --quiet --console=plain
Copied from DROOLS examples. Create some rooms with sprinklers, start some fires.
The sprinklers will turn on and an alarm will be raised to notify the Fire Department.
Put out the fires, the sprinklers will turn off and the alarm will be silenced.
./gradlew Discount -P transactions=5 --quiet --console=plain
Copied from DROOLS examples. A customer selects and returns various items. A discount
is applied or removed depending on the merchandise total at the end of each transaction.
Transactions are generated randomly.
./gradlew HonestPolitician
Initialize with honest politicians and the people rejoice. Introduce big corporations
and corrupt each politician. How the people feel now?
./gradlew Weather -P isRaining=true --quiet --console=plain
./gradlew AirCo -P current=30 -P target=25 --quiet --console=plain
Nice demo of the new 'InferenceRulesEngine'
./gradlew clean
Remove all reports and artifacts from './$'