log28 - a simple no-frills period tracker for Android
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<a href=""> <img src="" alt="Get it on F-Droid" height="80"> </a> <img src="screenshot.png" width="280"/>Database Information
log28 uses realm as it's database. There are 3 "tables"
Category - these are the categories of symptoms. They have a name and boolean for whether they are active. Symptom - symptoms belong to categories and have names. DayData - represents the data for a single day. These objects have a list of symptoms that have been recorded that day.
Models and import/export code are located in Database.kt, Queries are located in Queries.kt
There are four main views (tabs) in log28, as well as the App into screens and settings
- Cycle Overview - overview showing when the next period will be
- Day View - allows a user to view and edit data for any day
- Calendar View - shows period info on a calendar
- Cycle History - Shows the previous cycle start date and lengths in a list
- Settings - settings for the app, note that there is a separate activity for enabling and disabling individual tracking options. There is also a custom adapter used to store the cycle information in the Realm database instead of the default preference storage.