

Wildcloud - Websockets

Service providing websockets to applications deployed in Wildcloud platform


Proof of concept implementation.

The service does not yet implement the interface as described below.

Client interface


Application authorizes client with secret application id and custom client id. The service returns socket_id, that should be used for identifying that specific client (e.g. session of a user of a web application).

POST /authorize/application_id/client_id

with parameters in it's body, encoded as JSON.


To the callback url, a message published by client to the service, will be forwarded

POST http://www.yourapplication.com/ws/callback

with content of the message as the request body with other parameters encoded as JSON

{"message": "some message", "session": "session_id", "client": "client_id"}

where session id represent single connection between the client and this service (e.g. one window or tab in a browser).

To publish a message, the application posts a request to the service with socket_id

POST /publish/socket_id

with JSON encoded body containing the message and optional parameters.

{"message": "some message"}

The service then forwards the message to the client (all sessions or just a specific one).

On the client-side the user connects using SockJS to the server and specifies the already authorized socket_id

var socket = new SockJS('http://ws.your_server.com/socket_id');




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