

WiGLE Wireless Wardriving

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Nethugging client for Android, from wigle.net.

This client provides geolocated detection and logging for WiFi, Bluetooth, and cellular signals using Android devices.

As of December 2022, this application supports Android SDK versions 19 (KitKat) and up. For older versions, see the 2.67 release tag to build your own copy or side-load the compiled artifact.


Data Export

The client offers numerous data export formats including:

Issues and feature requests

Please use github issue tracking to report bugs and request features.

Please note: this is primarly a data collection tool - as such we aim to support the widest range of devices possible, and so advanced visualization and data management feature requests that would limit low-end device support will probably not be prioritized.

Device Support

Currently Android versions from KitKat (Android 4.4.3 / API 19) to Android 12 (API 31) are supported. Android 9 fundamentally throttled WiFi scanning support without a reliable remediation (see our forums for some possible fixes), but as of Android 10 and above, disabling WiFi scan throttling was added to the Developer Options settings menu. If you're using a modern Android OS, you should disable WiFi Scan Throttling to maximize the effectiveness of this application.

We receive various bug reports from forks/ports of Android to non-standard devices, but cannot address or test all possible variations. While we do our best to support the widest range of devices possible, the best way to get support for your device is to help us debug or to submit a pull request!


You can submit fixes and changes for inclusion by forking this repository, working in a branch, and issuing a pull request. Langauge help and translations are VERY welcome.

We don't have a lot of contribution guidelines, but please:

Where to get it

Available on Google Play and Amazon App Store.

F-Droid (externally maintained build of the foss-master branch: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.wigle.wigleandroid/

How to use it

There aren't presently any official how-to guides, but a youtube search will provide tutorials. For detail on settings in the application, see https://wigle.net/wiwi_settings.

This project is maintained by the WiGLE.net team