

WiQuery for Apache Wicket

WiQuery is a project to add jQuery and jQuery UI to Apache Wicket.

This branch follows the development of Apache Wicket.

WiQuery consists of 3 subprojects:


WiQuery requires the following:

Newer or older major releases of Wicket are not compatible with this version of WiQuery.

Migration from WiQuery 6.x


Below is a short description of the projects of WiQuery.

WiQuery Core

The core project does not contain much:

The jQuery javascript is not included in WiQuery but in Wicket. In order to use a specific version one can add the following code in their Application#init():


or alternatively you can register a resource replacement:

addResourceReplacement(JQueryResourceReference.get(), ...);

where ... is the instance of your resource reference.

WiQuery JQuery UI

Here is where the fun starts, this project contains components and behaviors for enriching your application with jQuery UI.

One can override the default theme with a custom theme (for example 'foo') by creating a package called org.odlabs.wiquery.themes.foo and adding the following code in their Application#init():

addResourceReplacement(WiQueryCoreThemeResourceReference.get(), new WiQueryCoreThemeResourceReference("foo"));