


Tiny is a JSON parser for Elixir written using efficient function head matches where possible. I wrote it due to my need for a JSON parser which could bundle easily into archive builds without having to go through and rename module references - thus it's a single file, and very small. Upon benching it, I found it was actually pretty fast and so decided to bundle it up and make it available as a package. It is intentionally "basic" as to what it can do, to avoid bloat (if you want extras, go use the excellent Poison).

Why you should use Tiny:

Why you should not use Tiny:


Tiny is on Hex, and you can install it using the usual:

  1. Add tiny to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:tiny, "~> 1.0"}]

2. Ensure tiny is started before your application:

def application do
  [applications: [:tiny]]


As mentioned, usage is intentionally super simple (this is the entire interface):

# test input for decode
iex(1)> input = "{\"key\":\"value\"}"
# "safe" decoding
iex(2)> { :ok, terms } = Tiny.decode(input)
{:ok, %{"key" => "value"}}
# "unsafe" decoding (raises ArgumentError)
iex(3)> terms = Tiny.decode!(input)
%{"key" => "value"}
# "safe" encoding
iex(4)> { :ok, json } = Tiny.encode(terms)
{:ok, "{\"key\":\"value\"}"}
# "unsafe" encoding (raises ArgumentError)
iex(5)> json = Tiny.encode!(terms)        

If your input is invalid, you'll receive an ArgumentError. If you're running your code in production, it's a waste of time to give you the character causing the error seeing you don't know the JSON you just tried to parse. If you do have it to hand (from your logs or something), you can just drop it in a JSON linter and it'll show you where the error is - there's no need to incur the overhead on every successful parse request. If you don't find this desirable, you should use Poison instead as it does keep track of the column/character where errors occur.

All of the functions shown above do accept a second optional argument containing a Keyword list of options. At the moment, the only option supported is :iodata in the encode functions, which will output your encoded JSON as iodata rather than a binary if truthy (please note "truthy" and not true). This flag is the same as the current (3.x) Poison option, for convenience.

Testing and Benchmarking

I have opted to use JSONTestSuite to test Tiny, as it is extremely extensive - particularly in terms of negative tests. Tiny passes every y_* and n_* test based on the official JSON specification (and is the only Elixir project I know of which does currently). Several of the implementation specific tests (i_*) fail due to the nature of Elixir (invalid floats, codepoints, etc) - but don't worry, these tests are outside the official spec which means you're probably not dealing with JSON like that anyway. There are also several tests inside this repo to cover the basic use cases - they're not super thorough, but should cover everything enough to have a valid CI build.

There are some basic benchmarks in bench/ which can be run using mix bench in the command line. These benchmarks should give a reasonable view into how fast Tiny is compared to some other JSON libraries. Additions/modifications are welcomed here, as there are only basic cases covered for now. Feel free to add missing JSON libraries, too!