

Energy-based Out-of-distribution Detection (Energy OOD)

This repository is the official implementation of Energy-based Out-of-distribution Detection by Weitang Liu, Xiaoyun Wang, John Owens and Yixuan Li. This method is an effective and easy OOD detector with and without fine-tuning. Our code is implemented with courtesy of Outlier-Exposure. If you have any code related questions, such as this issue and this issue, we highly recommened to check the couterpart in Outlier-Exposure.


Pretrained Models and Datasets

Pretrained models are provided in folder


Please download the datasets in folder


Testing and Fine-tuning

run energy score testing for cifar10 WRN

bash run.sh energy 0

run energy score testing for cifar100 WRN

bash run.sh energy 1

run energy score training and testing for cifar10 WRN

bash run.sh energy_ft 0

run energy score training and testing for cifar100 WRN

bash run.sh energy_ft 1


Our model achieves the following average performance on 6 OOD datasets:

1. MSP vs energy score with and without fine-tuned on CIFAR-10

Model nameFPR95
Softmax score51.04%
Energy score (ours)33.01%
Softmax score with fine-tune8.53%
Energy score with fine-tune (ours)3.32%

2. CIFAR-10 (in-distribution) vs SVHN (out-of-distribution) Score Distributions


3. Performance among different baselines for WideResNet


Model nameFPR95
Softmax score51.04%
Energy score (ours)33.01%
Outlier Exposure8.53%
Energy score with fine-tune (ours)3.32%


Model nameFPR95
Softmax score80.41%
Energy score (ours)73.60%
Outlier Exposure58.10%
Energy score with fine-tune (ours)47.55%

Outlier Datasets

These experiments make use of numerous outlier datasets. Links for less common datasets are as follows, 80 Million Tiny Images Textures, Places365, LSUN-C, LSUN-R, iSUN and SVHN.


      title={Energy-based Out-of-distribution Detection},
      author={Liu, Weitang and Wang, Xiaoyun and Owens, John and Li, Yixuan},
      journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},