

QSynth Synthesis Artefacts


These artifacts provide the following four datasets:

A benchmark

Each dataset directory contains the following files:


The qsynth.json contains for each function the the following entries such as:

  "target_1": {
    "fun_name": "target_1",
    "start": 164,
    "stop": 238,
    "orig_ast": "~(b*d ^ d*d) - b",
    "orig_node": 10,
    "orig_depth": 5,
    "obfu_ast": "(((b & d)*(b | d) + (b & ~d)*(~b & d) & (d & d)*(d | d) + (d & ~d)*(~d & d)) - ((b & d)*(b | d) + (b & ~d)*(~b & d) | (d & d)*(d | d) + (d & ~d)*(~d & d)) - 1 ^ b) - ((~(((b & d)*(b | d) + (b & ~d)*(~b & d) & (d & d)*(d | d) + (d & ~d)*(~d & d)) - ((b & d)*(b | d) + (b & ~d)*(~b & d) | (d & d)*(d | d) + (d & ~d)*(~d & d)) - 1) & b) + (~(((b & d)*(b | d) + (b & ~d)*(~b & d) & (d & d)*(d | d) + (d & ~d)*(~d & d)) - ((b & d)*(b | d) + (b & ~d)*(~b & d) | (d & d)*(d | d) + (d & ~d)*(~d & d)) - 1) & b))",
    "obfu_node": 229,
    "obfu_depth": 12,
    "triton_ast": "(((b & d)*(b | d) + (~b & d)*(~d & b) & d*d) - (d*d | (b & d)*(b | d) + (~b & d)*(~d & b)) - 1 ^ b) - (((d*d ^ (b & d)*(b | d) + (~b & d)*(~d & b)) & b) + ((d*d ^ (b & d)*(b | d) + (~b & d)*(~d & b)) & b))",
    "triton_node": 95,
    "triton_depth": 10,
    "synthesized_ast": "~((d*d ^ d*b) + b)",
    "synth_node": 10,
    "synth_depth": 5,
    "dse_t": 0.10445356369018555,
    "synthesis_t": 0.03491616249084473,
    "sem_orig_obf": "UNK",
    "sem_obf_trit": "UNK",
    "sem_orig_synth": "OK",
    "is_simplified": true,
    "is_fully_synthesized": true

Start and stop are the offsets in the execution trace (thus id in the DB). Then for each expression the expression itself and its node size and depth. Then dse_t, synthesis_t gives respectively the symbolic execution time and the synthesis time. is_simplified and is_fully_synthesized indicates if the function was simplified and if so if it was fully. sem_orig_obf, sem_obf_trit and sem_orig_synth indicates if the semantic is preserved between for instance original and synthesized (sem_orig_synth). "UNK" indicates that it has not been checked or that it yielded a timeout.

Synthesis oracle tables

The tables used for the benchmarks are available here: https://ret2libc.com/static/various/lts_15/ They are Python pickle objects. Expressions are encoded with a similar Reverse-Polish-Notation (RPN) than Syntia.