


Uses the AWS Cloud Control API to list resources that are present in a given AWS account and region(s). Discovered resources are written to a JSON output file. See the accompanying blog posts here and here.


Make sure you have AWS credentials configured for your target account. This can either be done using environment variables or by specifying a named profile in the optional --profile argument. Read-only IAM permissions are sufficient.

If you run the script against specific regions, it is recommended to also include the us-east-1 region. This ensures that resources of global AWS services are captured as well.

Example invocations:

pip install -r requirements.txt

python aws_list_resources.py --regions us-east-1,eu-central-1

python aws_list_resources.py --regions ALL

python aws_list_resources.py --regions ALL --include-resource-types AWS::EC2::*,AWS::DynamoDB::* --exclude-resource-types AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions,AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment

Supported arguments

--exclude-resource-types  do not list the specified comma-separated resource types (supports wildcards)
--include-resource-types  only list the specified comma-separated resource types (supports wildcards)
--only-show-counts        only show resource counts instead of listing their full identifiers
--profile PROFILE         named AWS profile to use when running the command
--regions REGIONS         comma-separated list of target AWS regions or 'ALL'


Example output file

Truncated example JSON output file:

  "_metadata": {
    "account_id": "123456789012",
    "account_principal": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/myuser",
    "invocation": "aws_list_resources.py --regions us-east-1,eu-central-1",
    "run_timestamp": "20221020084237"
    // ...
  "regions": {
    "us-east-1": {
      "AWS::Athena::DataCatalog": [
      "AWS::CloudFront::CachePolicy": [
      "AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions": [
      "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway": [
      "AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl": [
      "AWS::EC2::RouteTable": [
      "AWS::IAM::Role": [
      // ...