

Welcomer Framework

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(Just want to dive in? Check out Getting Started below)

What is the Welcomer framework?

The Welcomer framework supports building microservices to flexibly automate your online tasks, putting control of your personal data back in your hands.


The web is plagued by a series of data silos, each holding their own slice of your personal data but not giving you the freedom to access, use and share it as you desire. This trend has been slowly changing for the better in recent year with many services now providing API's to access their data, allowing new applications to thrive. Unfortunately most of these applications are designed in a rigid way to support a narrowly predefined use. We're all different and our needs and desires for what an application should do vary just as much. The solution is to provide a flexible, open framework that makes it easy to securely and privately use your data as you see fit.


Our approach was to utilise open standards along with concepts from Phil Windley's 'The Live Web' to create a Personal, Reactive, Open, Private and Secure framework.

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<a name="GettingStarted"></a>

Getting Started

Using SBT

resolvers += "Welcomer Maven Bintray" at "https://dl.bintray.com/welcomer/maven/"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "me.welcomer" %% "welcomer-framework" % ""

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What is a pico?

A term coined by Phil Windley, a pico (or persistent compute object) is an individual building block of a personal cloud, having the following characteristics:

A pico can be thought of as a self contained microservice that can accept events, store/manipulate data based on rules, and output events/data.

Future Ideas / Wishlist


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