


This repository contains the python implementation for paper "FGR: Frustum-Aware Geometric Reasoning for Weakly Supervised 3D Vehicle Detection"(ICRA 2021)[arXiv]

<img src="./imgs/FGR.png">



conda create -n FGR python=3.6
conda activate FGR
pip install -r requirements.txt


Data Preparation

Please download the KITTI 3D object detection dataset from here and organize them as follows:

${Root Path To Your KITTI Dataset}
├── data_object_image_2
│   ├── training
│   │   └── image_2
│   └── testing (optional)
│       └── image_2
├── data_object_label_2
│   └── training
│       └── label_2
├── data_object_calib
│   ├── training
│   │   └── calib
│   └── testing (optional)
│       └── calib
└── data_object_velodyne
    ├── training
    │   └── velodyne
    └── testing (optional)
        └── velodyne

Retrieving psuedo labels

Stage I: Coarse 3D Segmentation

In this stage, we get coarse 3D segmentation mask for each car. Please run the following command:

cd FGR
python save_region_grow_result.py --kitti_dataset_dir ${Path To Your KITTI Dataset} --output_dir ${Path To Save Region-Growth Result}

Stage II: 3D Bounding Box Estimation

In this stage, psuedo labels with KITTI format will be calculated and stored. Please run the following command:

cd FGR
python detect.py --kitti_dataset_dir ${Path To Your KITTI Dataset} --final_save_dir ${Path To Save Psuedo Labels} --pickle_save_path ${Path To Save Region-Growth Result}
<img src="./imgs/sample_bbox.png" width = "300" div align=center />

We also provide final pusedo training labels and GT validation labels in ./FGR/detection_result.zip. You can directly use them to train the model.

Use psuedo labels to train 3D detectors

1. Getting Startted

Please refer to the OpenPCDet repo here and complete all the required installation.

After downloading the repo and completing all the installation, a small modification of original code is needed:

1. line between 142 and 143, add: "if len(obj_list) == 0: return None"
2. line after 191, delete "return list(infos)", and add:

final_result = list(infos)
while None in final_result:
return final_result

This is because when creating dataset, OpenPCDet (the repo) requires each label file to have at least one valid label. In our psuedo labels, however, some bad labels will be removed and the label file may be empty.

2. Data Preparation

In this repo, the KITTI dataset storage is as follows:

├── testing
│   ├── calib
│   ├── image_2
│   └── velodyne
└── training
    ├── calib
    ├── image_2
    ├── label_2
    └── velodyne

It's different from our dataset storage, so we provide a script to construct this structure based on symlink:

sh create_kitti_dataset_new_format.sh ${Path To KITTI Dataset} ${Path To OpenPCDet Directory}

3. Start training

Please remove the symlink of 'training/label_2' temporarily, and add a new symlink to psuedo label path. Then follow the OpenPCDet instructions and train PointRCNN models.


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={{FGR: Frustum-Aware Geometric Reasoning for Weakly Supervised 3D Vehicle Detection}},
  author={Wei, Yi and Su, Shang and Lu, Jiwen and Zhou, Jie},