Explorer extension for coc.nvim
Note: This project is still under development and may be broken.
>= vim 8.1.1418
or >= neovim 0.3.1
- Install by coc.nvim command:
:CocInstall coc-explorer
- Configuration custom vim mapping
:nmap <space>e <Cmd>CocCommand explorer<CR>
- Open explorer
- Press
to show mappings help
More at Quickstart
- Buffer source
- Highlight visible buffers in real time
- File tree source
- Basic actions
- Open file in select / vsplit / tab
options:- select: Open action use selection UI
- vsplit: Open action use vsplit
- split: Open action use split
- tab: Open action use tab
- previousBuffer: Open action use last used buffer
- previousWindow: Open action use last used window
- sourceWindow: Open action use the window where explorer opened
- Selection
- Cut / Copy / Paste
- Delete action use trash by default
- Other actions, press
in explorer to check out the all actions
- Open file in select / vsplit / tab
- Git status
- Automatically reveal the current file
- Icons, use nerdfont
- Search files by Coc-list
- Preview file attributes by floating window
- diagnostic
- file rename (won't support, use watchman)
- Exrename, like defx
- Archive file (use
lsar / unar
) - SSH
- Basic actions
Bookmark source (DEPRECATED) (require coc-bookmark) - Git source
- Git actions
- Show help
:CocCommand explorer [options] [root-uri]
User events
: triggered before open explorerCocExplorerOpenPost
: triggered after open explorerCocExplorerQuitPre
: triggered before quit explorerCocExplorerQuitPost
: triggered after quit explorer
:CocCommand explorer
\ --toggle
\ --sources=buffer+,file+
\ /root/path
Reveal to current buffer for closest coc-explorer
nmap <Leader>er <Cmd>call CocAction('runCommand', 'explorer.doAction', 'closest', ['reveal:0'], [['relative', 0, 'file']])<CR>
let g:coc_explorer_global_presets = {
\ '.vim': {
\ 'root-uri': '~/.vim',
\ },
\ 'cocConfig': {
\ 'root-uri': '~/.config/coc',
\ },
\ 'tab': {
\ 'position': 'tab',
\ 'quit-on-open': v:true,
\ },
\ 'tab:$': {
\ 'position': 'tab:$',
\ 'quit-on-open': v:true,
\ },
\ 'floating': {
\ 'position': 'floating',
\ 'open-action-strategy': 'sourceWindow',
\ },
\ 'floatingTop': {
\ 'position': 'floating',
\ 'floating-position': 'center-top',
\ 'open-action-strategy': 'sourceWindow',
\ },
\ 'floatingLeftside': {
\ 'position': 'floating',
\ 'floating-position': 'left-center',
\ 'floating-width': 50,
\ 'open-action-strategy': 'sourceWindow',
\ },
\ 'floatingRightside': {
\ 'position': 'floating',
\ 'floating-position': 'right-center',
\ 'floating-width': 50,
\ 'open-action-strategy': 'sourceWindow',
\ },
\ 'simplify': {
\ 'file-child-template': '[selection | clip | 1] [indent][icon | 1] [filename omitCenter 1]'
\ },
\ 'buffer': {
\ 'sources': [{'name': 'buffer', 'expand': v:true}]
\ },
\ }
" Use preset argument to open it
nmap <space>ed <Cmd>CocCommand explorer --preset .vim<CR>
nmap <space>ef <Cmd>CocCommand explorer --preset floating<CR>
nmap <space>ec <Cmd>CocCommand explorer --preset cocConfig<CR>
nmap <space>eb <Cmd>CocCommand explorer --preset buffer<CR>
" List all presets
nmap <space>el <Cmd>CocList explPresets<CR>
Explorer root, default is use root-strategies
--root-strategies <root-strategies>
Strategies for root uri, types list of (keep | workspace | cwd | sourceBuffer | reveal | custom:name)
: never change the root pathworkspace
: directory of bufferreveal
: directory of reveal path
default is: workspace,cwd,sourceBuffer,reveal
or "explorer.root.strategies" of coc-settings
Custom root patterns settings
"explorer.root.customRules": {
"vcs": {
"patterns": [".git", ".hg", ".projections.json"],
"vcs-r": {
"patterns": [".git", ".hg", ".projections.json"],
"bottomUp": true,
Using custom root patterns
"explorer.root.strategies": ["workspace", "custom:vcs", "custom:vcs-r"],
or :CocCommand explorer --root-strategies workspace,custom:vcs,custom:vcs-r
--preset <name>
Open explorer use presets
--toggle | --no-toggle
Close the explorer if it exists, default: --toggle
--focus | --no-focus
Focus to explorer when opened, default: --focus
--open-action-strategy <strategy>
Strategy for open action, types: select | vsplit | split | tab | previousBuffer | previousWindow | sourceWindow
, default: select
--quit-on-open | --no-quit-on-open
quit explorer when open action, default: --no-quit-on-open
--sources <sources>
Explorer sources, example: buffer+,file+
, default: buffer-,file+
collapsed │
↓ ↓
└──┬─┘ └─┬┘
buffer source │
file source
--position <position>
Explorer position, supported position: left
, right
, tab
, tab:0
, tab:$
, floating
, default: left
--width <number>
Width of Explorer window for open in left or right side, default: 40
--content-width <number>
Content width, default: 0
--content-width-type <type>
Type of content width, types: win-width
, vim-width
, , default: vim-width
--floating-position <position>
Explorer position for floating window, positions:
<number for left>,<number for top>
default: center
--floating-width <number>
Width of Explorer window when position is floating, use negative value or zero to as width - value
, default: 0
--floating-height <number>
Height of Explorer window when position is floating, use negative value or zero to as height - value
, default: 0
--floating-content-width <number>
Width of content when position is floating, use negative value or zero to as width - value
, default: 0
--buffer-root-template <template>
Template for root node of buffer source
- icon
- hidden
- title
default: [icon] [title] [hidden & 1]
--buffer-child-template <template>
Template for child node of buffer source
- selection
- name
- bufname
- modified
- bufnr
- readonly
- fullpath
- relativePath
default: [selection | 1] [bufnr] [name][modified][readonly] [fullpath]
--buffer-child-labeling-template <template>
Labeling template for child node of buffer source, use for preview when previewAction is labeling
Columns: same with --buffer-child-template
default: [name][bufname][fullpath][modified][readonly]
--file-root-template <template>
Template for root node of file source
- icon
- hidden
- title
- root
- fullpath
default: [icon] [title] [hidden & 1][root] [fullpath]
--file-root-labeling-template <template>
Labeling template for root node of file source, use for preview when previewAction is labeling
Columns: same with --file-root-template
default: [fullpath]
--file-child-template <template>
Template for child node file source
- git
- selection
- icon
- filename
- linkIcon
- link
- fullpath
- indent
- clip
- size
- readonly
- modified
- timeModified
- timeCreated
- timeAccessed
- diagnosticError
- diagnosticWarning
default: [git | 2] [selection | clip | 1] [indent][icon | 1] [diagnosticError & 1][filename omitCenter 1][modified][readonly] [linkIcon & 1][link growRight 1 omitCenter 5][size]
--file-child-labeling-template <template>
Labeling template for child node of file source, use for preview when previewAction is labeling
Columns: same with --file-child-template
default: [fullpath][link][diagnosticWarning][diagnosticError][size][timeAccessed][timeModified][timeCreated][readonly][modified]
--bookmark-root-template <template>
Template for root node of bookmark source
- icon
- hidden
- title
default: [icon] [title] [hidden & 1]
--bookmark-child-template <template>
Template for child node of bookmark source
- selection
- position
- filename
- fullpath
- line
- annotation
default: [selection | 1] [filename] [position]
--bookmark-child-labeling-template <template>
Labeling template for child node of bookmark source, use for preview when previewAction is labeling
Columns: same with --bookmark-child-template
default: [filename][fullpath][position][line][annotation]
--reveal <filepath>
Explorer will expand to this filepath, default: current buffer
--reveal-when-open | --no-reveal-when-open
Explorer will automatically reveal to the current buffer when open explorer, default: "explorer.file.reveal.whenOpen"
Template grammar
[git | 2] [selection | clip | 1] [diagnosticError & 1][filename growRight 1 omitCenter 5]
- Display
- Display
[git | 2]
- If
is not empty, displaygit
, otherwise display2 spaces
- If
[selection | clip | 1]
- Checking
in turn, if one is not empty, display it, otherwise display1 spaces
- Checking
[diagnosticError & 1]
- If
is empty, display nothing. otherwise displaydiagnosticError
and1 space
- If
[filename growRight 1 omitCenter 5]
- Flexible to display
, grow right column volume is 1, omit center volume is 5
- Flexible to display
┌────────┴───────────┐ ┌────────────────┴────────────────┐
[selection | clip | 1] [filename growRight 1 omitCenter 5]
plain string
│ │ volume of modifier
│ ┌────┬──────│──────────┴────┬────────────┐
┌───┴───┐ ┌─┴┐ ↓ ┌──┴───┐ ↓ ↓
[selection | clip | 1] [filename growRight 1 omitCenter 5]
↑ ↑ └───┬───┘ └────┬───┘
Custom mappings example
You can use ?
to view all actions of current source
// coc-settings.json
"": {
"i": false, // cancel default mapkey
"<c-o>": "noop",
"*": "toggleSelection",
"<tab>": "actionMenu",
"gk": ["wait", "expandablePrev"],
"gj": ["wait", "expandableNext"],
"h": ["wait", "collapse"],
"l": ["wait", "expandable?", "expand", "open"],
"J": ["wait", "toggleSelection", "normal:j"],
"K": ["wait", "toggleSelection", "normal:k"],
"gl": ["wait", "expand:recursive"],
"gh": ["wait", "collapse:recursive"],
"<2-LeftMouse>": [
["expanded?", "collapse", "expand"],
"o": ["wait", "expanded?", "collapse", "expand"],
"<cr>": ["wait", "expandable?", "cd", "open"],
"e": "open",
"s": "open:split",
"E": "open:vsplit",
"t": "open:tab",
"<bs>": ["wait", "gotoParent"],
"gs": ["wait", "reveal:select"],
"il": "preview:labeling",
"ic": "preview:content",
"Il": "previewOnHover:toggle:labeling",
"Ic": "previewOnHover:toggle:content",
"II": "previewOnHover:disable",
"yp": "copyFilepath",
"yn": "copyFilename",
"yy": "copyFile",
"dd": "cutFile",
"p": "pasteFile",
"df": "delete",
"dF": "deleteForever",
"a": "addFile",
"A": "addDirectory",
"r": "rename",
"zh": "toggleHidden",
"g<dot>": "toggleHidden",
"R": "refresh",
"?": "help",
"q": "quit",
"<esc>": "esc",
"X": "systemExecute",
"gd": "listDrive",
"f": "search",
"F": "searchRecursive",
"gf": "gotoSource:file",
"gb": "gotoSource:buffer",
"[[": ["wait", "sourcePrev"],
"]]": ["wait", "sourceNext"],
"[i": ["wait", "indentPrev"],
"]i": ["wait", "indentNext"],
"[m": ["wait", "markPrev:modified"],
"]m": ["wait", "markNext:modified"],
"[d": ["wait", "markPrev:diagnosticError:diagnosticWarning"],
"]d": ["wait", "markNext:diagnosticError:diagnosticWarning"],
"[D": ["wait", "markPrev:diagnosticError"],
"]D": ["wait", "markNext:diagnosticError"],
"[c": ["wait", "markPrev:git"],
"]c": ["wait", "markNext:git"],
"<<": "gitStage",
">>": "gitUnstage",
Example by Vim API and event hooks
function! s:explorer_cur_dir()
let node_info = CocAction('runCommand', 'explorer.getNodeInfo', 0)
return fnamemodify(node_info['fullpath'], ':h')
function! s:exec_cur_dir(cmd)
let dir = s:explorer_cur_dir()
execute 'cd ' . dir
execute a:cmd
function! s:init_explorer()
set winblend=10
" Integration with other plugins
" CocList
nmap <buffer> <Leader>fg <Cmd>call <SID>exec_cur_dir('CocList -I grep')<CR>
nmap <buffer> <Leader>fG <Cmd>call <SID>exec_cur_dir('CocList -I grep -regex')<CR>
nmap <buffer> <C-p> <Cmd>call <SID>exec_cur_dir('CocList files')<CR>
" vim-floaterm
nmap <buffer> <Leader>ft <Cmd>call <SID>exec_cur_dir('FloatermNew --wintype=floating')<CR>
function! s:enter_explorer()
if &filetype == 'coc-explorer'
" statusline
setl statusline=coc-explorer
augroup CocExplorerCustom
autocmd BufEnter * call <SID>enter_explorer()
autocmd FileType coc-explorer call <SID>init_explorer()
augroup END
more API:
<!-- Generated by 'yarn run bulid:config-doc', please don't edit it directly --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <summary><code>explorer</code>: Open explorer.</summary> <!-- prettier-ignore-end -->Configuration
<!-- Generated by 'yarn run bulid:config-doc', please don't edit it directly --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --><strong>Definitions</strong>
<details> <summary><code>Explorer1</code>: Explorer1.</summary> Type: <pre><code>{ /** * Explorer source name */ name: 'bookmark' | 'buffer' | 'file'; /** * Whether to expand it by default */ expand: boolean; [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }[]</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>Position</code>: Position.</summary> Type: <pre><code>'left' | 'right' | 'tab' | 'floating'</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>MappingActionExp</code>: MappingActionExp.</summary> Type: <pre><code>MappingAction | MappingActionExp[]</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>MappingAction</code>: MappingAction.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string | { name?: string; args?: string[]; [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>PreviewActionStrategy</code>: PreviewActionStrategy.</summary> Type: <pre><code>'labeling' | 'content'</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>RootStrategy</code>: RootStrategy.</summary> Type: <pre><code>'keep' | 'workspace' | 'cwd' | 'sourceBuffer' | 'reveal'</code></pre> </details> <strong>Properties</strong> <details> <summary><code>explorer.presets</code>: Explorer presets.</summary> Type: <pre><code>{ [k: string]: { 'root-uri'?: string; /** * Close the explorer if it exists */ toggle?: boolean; /** * Focus to explorer when opened */ focus?: boolean; /** * Strategy for open action */ 'open-action-strategy'?: 'select' | 'split' | 'split.plain' | 'split.intelligent' | 'vsplit' | 'vsplit.plain' | 'vsplit.intelligent' | 'tab' | '' | '' | 'previousBuffer' | 'previousWindow' | 'sourceWindow'; /** * quit explorer when open action */ 'quit-on-open'?: boolean; reveal?: string; sources?: Explorer1; /** * Explorer position */ position?: Position | [ Position ] | [ Position, string ]; /** * Width of explorer window for open in left or right side */ width?: number; /** * Content width, use negative value or zero to as `width - value` */ 'content-width'?: number; /** * Type of content width */ 'content-width-type'?: 'win-width' | 'vim-width'; /** * Position of Explorer for floating window */ 'floating-position'?: ('left-center' | 'right-center' | 'center' | 'center-top') | [ number, number ]; /** * Width of explorer window when position is floating, use negative value or zero to as `width - value` */ 'floating-width'?: number; /** * Height of explorer window when position is floating, use negative value or zero to as `height - value` */ 'floating-height'?: number; /** * Width of content when position is floating, use negative value or zero to as `width - value` */ 'floating-content-width'?: number; /** * Template for root node of buffer source */ 'buffer-root-template'?: string; /** * Template for child node of buffer source */ 'buffer-child-template'?: string; /** * Labeling template for child node of buffer source, use for preview when previewAction is labeling */ 'buffer-child-labeling-template'?: string; /** * Template for root node of file source */ 'file-root-template'?: string; /** * Labeling template for root node of file source, use for preview when previewAction is labeling */ 'file-root-labeling-template'?: string; /** * Template for child node file source */ 'file-child-template'?: string; /** * Labeling template for child node of file source, use for preview when previewAction is labeling */ 'file-child-labeling-template'?: string; [k: string]: unknown | undefined; } | undefined; }</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>null</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.mouseMode</code>: Mouse mode.</summary> Type: <pre><code>'none' | 'singleclick' | 'doubleclick'</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"doubleclick"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.keyMappingMode</code>: Keymapping mode.</summary> Type: <pre><code>'none' | 'default'</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"default"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code></code>: .</summary> Type: <pre><code>Mapping</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>{}</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.keyMappings.vmap</code>: .</summary> Type: <pre><code>Mapping1</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>{}</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.keyMappings.sources</code>: Custom key mappings in source.</summary> Type: <pre><code>{ [k: string]: Mapping2 | undefined; }</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>{}</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.toggle</code>: Close the explorer if it exists.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>true</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.focus</code>: Focus to explorer when opened.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>true</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.position</code>: Explorer position.</summary> Type: <pre><code>Position | [ Position ] | [ Position, string ]</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"left"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.width</code>: Width of explorer window for open in left or right side.</summary> Type: <pre><code>number</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>40</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.contentWidth</code>: Content width, use negative value or zero to as `width - value`.</summary> Type: <pre><code>number</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>0</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.contentWidthType</code>: Type of content width.</summary> Type: <pre><code>'win-width' | 'vim-width'</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"vim-width"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.floating.position</code>: Position of Explorer for floating window.</summary> Type: <pre><code>('left-center' | 'right-center' | 'center' | 'center-top') | [ number, number ]</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"center"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.floating.width</code>: Width of explorer window when position is floating, use negative value or zero to as `width - value`.</summary> Type: <pre><code>number</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>-10</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.floating.height</code>: Height of explorer window when position is floating, use negative value or zero to as `height - value`.</summary> Type: <pre><code>number</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>-10</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.floating.contentWidth</code>: Width of content when position is floating, use negative value or zero to as `width - value`.</summary> Type: <pre><code>number</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>0</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.floating.border.enable</code>: .</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>true</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.floating.border.chars</code>: Border chars for floating window, their order is top/right/bottom/left/topleft/topright/botright/botleft.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string[]</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>[ "─", "│", "─", "│", "┌", "┐", "┘", "└" ]</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.floating.border.title</code>: .</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"coc-explorer"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.floating.hideOnCocList</code>: Hide floating window, when opening CocList.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>true</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.autoExpandMaxDepth</code>: Automatically expand maximum depth of one time.</summary> Type: <pre><code>number</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>20</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.autoExpandOptions</code>: Automatically expand options.</summary> Type: <pre><code>('recursive' | 'compact' | 'uncompact' | 'recursiveSingle')[]</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>[ "compact", "uncompact" ]</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.autoCollapseOptions</code>: Automatically collapse options.</summary> Type: <pre><code>'recursive'[]</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>[ "recursive" ]</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.quitOnOpen</code>: quit explorer when open action.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>false</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.previewAction.onHover</code>: Open preview when hovering over on node.</summary> Type: <pre><code>false | PreviewActionStrategy | [ PreviewActionStrategy, number ]</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>false</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.previewAction.content.maxHeight</code>: Preview content maximum height.</summary> Type: <pre><code>number</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>30</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.openAction.strategy</code>: Strategy for open action.</summary> Type: <pre><code>'select' | 'split' | 'split.plain' | 'split.intelligent' | 'vsplit' | 'vsplit.plain' | 'vsplit.intelligent' | 'tab' | '' | '' | 'previousBuffer' | 'previousWindow' | 'sourceWindow'</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"select"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code></code>: Filter windows for select strategy.</summary> Type: <pre><code>BufferFilter & { /** * Filter windows for select strategy in source */ sources?: { [k: string]: BufferFilter; }; [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>{ "buftypes": [ "terminal" ], "filetypes": [ "vista", "vista_kind", "qf", "tagbar", "coctree" ], "floatingWindows": true, "sources": { "buffer": { "buftypes": [] } } }</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code></code>: Chars for select strategy.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code></code>: The action when you open a directory of file source.</summary> Type: <pre><code>MappingAction | MappingActionExp[]</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"cd"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.openAction.relativePath</code>: Use relative path when open a file with openAction.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>false</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.expandStores</code>: The expand stores of sources.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean | { includes: string[]; } | { excludes: string[]; }</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>true</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.sources</code>: .</summary> Type: <pre><code>Explorer1</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>[ { "name": "bookmark", "expand": false }, { "name": "buffer", "expand": false }, { "name": "file", "expand": true } ]</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.root.strategies</code>: Strategies for root uri.</summary> Type: <pre><code>(RootStrategy | string)[]</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>[ "workspace", "cwd", "sourceBuffer", "reveal" ]</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.root.customRules</code>: Patterns for root uri.</summary> Type: <pre><code>{ [k: string]: { patterns: string[]; /** * Search outward from the current buffer, default is false */ bottomUp?: boolean; [k: string]: unknown | undefined; } | undefined; }</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>null</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.enableFloatinput</code>: Enable integrated with coc-floatinput.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>true</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.icon.enableNerdfont</code>: Enable nerdfont.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>false</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.icon.source</code>: The source or file type icon and color.</summary> Type: <pre><code>'builtin' | 'vim-devicons' | 'nvim-web-devicons' | 'nerdfont.vim'</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"builtin"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.icon.customIcons</code>: Custom icons and color highlights.</summary> Type: <pre><code>{ /** * Icons for extension groups */ icons?: { /** * Icon for an extension group */ [k: string]: { /** * Group icon */ code: string; /** * Group icon color */ color: string; [k: string]: unknown | undefined; } | undefined; }; /** * File extension to icon group */ extensions?: { [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }; /** * Filename to icon group */ filenames?: { [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }; /** * Filename to icon group */ dirnames?: { [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }; /** * Pattern to icon group */ patternMatches?: { [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }; /** * Pattern to icon group */ dirPatternMatches?: { [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }; [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>{ "icons": {}, "extensions": {}, "filenames": {}, "dirnames": {}, "patternMatches": {}, "dirPatternMatches": {} }</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.icon.expanded</code>: Icon for expanded node.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"-"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.icon.collapsed</code>: Icon for collapsed node.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"+"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.icon.selected</code>: Selection selected chars for File source.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"✓"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.icon.hidden</code>: Icon for hidden status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"‥"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code></code>: Icon for soft link.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"→"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.icon.readonly</code>: Icon for readonly.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"RO"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.bookmark.root.template</code>: Template for root node of bookmark source.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"[icon] [title] [hidden & 1]"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.bookmark.child.template</code>: Template for child node of bookmark source.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"[selection | 1] [filename] [position] - [annotation]"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.bookmark.child.labelingTemplate</code>: Labeling template for child node of bookmark source, use for preview when previewAction is labeling.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"[filename][fullpath][position][line][annotation]"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.buffer.showHiddenBuffers</code>: Default show hidden buffers.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>false</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.buffer.tabOnly</code>: Default only show buffers in current tab.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>false</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.buffer.root.template</code>: Template for root node of buffer source.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"[icon] [title] [hidden & 1]"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.buffer.child.template</code>: Template for child node of buffer source.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"[git | 2] [selection | 1] [bufnr] [name][modified][readonly] [relativePath]"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.buffer.child.labelingTemplate</code>: Labeling template for child node of buffer source, use for preview when previewAction is labeling.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"[name][bufname][fullpath][modified][readonly][diagnosticError][diagnosticWarning][git]"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.datetime.format</code>: Explorer datetime format, check out</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.reveal.whenOpen</code>: Explorer will automatically reveal to the current buffer when open explorer.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>true</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code></code>: Explorer will automatically reveal to the current buffer when enter a buffer.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>false</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.reveal.filter</code>: Exlorer will not automatically reveal to these buffers.</summary> Type: <pre><code>{ /** * Filter buffer by RegExp */ patterns?: string[]; /** * Filter buffer by literal string */ literals?: string[]; [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>{}</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.hiddenRules</code>: Custom hidden rules for file.</summary> Type: <pre><code>{ extensions?: string[]; filenames?: string[]; /** * Pattern to icon group */ patternMatches?: unknown[]; [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>{ "extensions": [ "o", "a", "obj", "pyc" ], "filenames": [], "patternMatches": [ "^\\." ] }</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.showHiddenFiles</code>: Default show hidden files.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>false</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.root.template</code>: Template for root node of file source.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"[icon] [title] [git & 1][hidden & 1][root] [fullpath]"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.root.labelingTemplate</code>: Labeling template for root node of file source, use for preview when previewAction is labeling.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"[fullpath][git]"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.child.template</code>: Template for child node file source.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"[git | 2] [selection | clip | 1] [indent][icon | 1] [diagnosticError & 1][filename omitCenter 1][modified][readonly] [linkIcon & 1][link growRight 1 omitCenter 5][size]"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.child.labelingTemplate</code>: Labeling template for child node of file source, use for preview when previewAction is labeling.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"[fullpath][link][diagnosticError][diagnosticWarning][git][size][timeAccessed][timeModified][timeCreated][readonly][modified]"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code></code>: Whether the file has been copied.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>null</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.column.clip.copy</code>: Whether the file has been copied.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>null</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.column.clip.cut</code>: Whether the file has been cut.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>null</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.column.indent.chars</code>: Indent chars for file source.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>" "</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.column.indent.indentLine</code>: Whether to display the alignment line.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>null</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.cdCommand</code>: Change directory when performing the cd action.</summary> Type: <pre><code>false | 'cd' | 'tcd'</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>false</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.filename.colored.enable</code>: Enable colored filenames based on status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean | { diagnosticError?: boolean; diagnosticWarning?: boolean; git?: boolean; [k: string]: unknown | undefined; }</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>true</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.file.git.showUntrackedFiles</code>: Show untracked file in git.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean | 'system'</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>null</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.trash.command</code>: Trash command template, arguments(%s source filepath, %l source filepath list), example: 'trash-put %l', 'mv --backup=t %l ~/.trash/'.</summary> Type: <pre><code>('nodejs:module' | 'trash-put %s') | string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"nodejs:module"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.diagnostic.displayMax</code>: Maximum count of diagnostic column.</summary> Type: <pre><code>number</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>99</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.diagnostic.enableSubscriptNumber</code>: Subscript number for diagnostic count.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>false</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.enable</code>: Enable git.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>true</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.command</code>: Git command.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"git"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.rootStatus.stashed</code>: Icon for a stash exists for the local repository.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"$"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.rootStatus.ahead</code>: Icon for current branch ahead of upstream.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"⇡"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.rootStatus.behind</code>: Icon for current branch behind upstream.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"⇣"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.rootStatus.conflicted</code>: Icon for current branch has merge conflicts.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"="</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.rootStatus.untracked</code>: Icon for there are untracked files in the working directory.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"?"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.rootStatus.modified</code>: Icon for there are file modifications in the working directory.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"~"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.rootStatus.added</code>: Icon for a new file has been added to the staging area.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"+"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.rootStatus.renamed</code>: Icon for a renamed file has been added to the staging area.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"→"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.rootStatus.deleted</code>: Icon for a file's deletion has been added to the staging area.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"✗"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.status.mixed</code>: Icon for git mixed status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"*"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.status.unmodified</code>: Icon for git unmodified status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>" "</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.status.modified</code>: Icon for git modified status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"M"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.status.added</code>: Icon for git added status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"A"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.status.deleted</code>: Icon for git removed status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"D"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.status.renamed</code>: Icon for git renamed status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"R"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.status.copied</code>: Icon for git copied status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"C"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.status.unmerged</code>: Icon for git unmerged status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"U"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.status.untracked</code>: Icon for git untracked status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"?"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.icon.status.ignored</code>: Icon for git ignored status.</summary> Type: <pre><code>string</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>"!"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.git.showIgnored</code>: Show ignored files in git.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>true</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary><code>explorer.debug</code>: Enable debug.</summary> Type: <pre><code>boolean</code></pre>Default: <pre><code>false</code></pre> </details> <!-- prettier-ignore-end -->Inspired by
- VSCode Explorer
- Shougo/vimfiler.vim
- Shougo/defx.nvim
- lambdalisue/fern.vim