JavaScript functions & scope explained
Preparing for the journey
1 First class functions
1.1 Assign function to a variable
1.2 Passing function as argument to other function
1.3 Returning function as a value from other function
2 Scoping
Rule 1: Variable declaration hoisting rule
Rule 2: Variable assignment hoisting rule
Rule 3: Function declaration statement hoisting rule
Rule 4: Function definition expression hoisting rule
3 Invocation context(=this)
3.1 Function invocation
3.2 Method invocation
3.3 Constructor invocation
3.3.1 Using prototype object
3.4 Indirect invocation
3.4.1 Call method
3.4.2 Apply method
3.4.3 Testing enumerability
3.4.4 call method - search binary numbers
3.4.5 call method - Internals
3.5 this & nested function issue
3.5.1 Basic reducer function
3.5.2 Simulate problem - reducer factor & this
3.5.3 Using this keyword inside nested function
Further reading