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Straightforward file browser for viewing markdown and other file types locally in Github-like fashion.

Look Mum, No Hands

This project was put together to solve the problem of having to push changes to Github too often -while writing README, documentation files- just to see how they look live. It also lifts the burden of having to use static site generators to produce redundant html files from markdown while developing locally.

Having a markdown viewer as a single PHP file keeps things simple and pleasant until you decide to push changes to Github for the world to see.

Getting Started

Drop index.php in your projects's documentation folder then view it in the browser, that's it!


The docs folder featured is from Svelte project.

Baked-in Goodies

Credits to the following projects for making this possible,


Need help or have a question? post at StackOverflow.

Please don't use the issue trackers for support/questions.

Star if you find this project useful, to show support or simply for being awesome :)


Contributions to this project are accepted in the form of feedback, bugs reports and even better - pull requests.


MIT license Copyright (c) Web Semantics, Inc.