

This is KITE 2.0, Karoshi Interoperability Testing Engine (version 2.0)

* Change to kite command (28 December 2020), all existing commands need prefix kite_ (Ex: r -> kite_r)

The effortless way to test WebRTC compliance, prevent Karoshi with KITE!

Write automated interoperability test scripts in Java or Javascript and run them on any platforms. KITE supports:

KITE can be setup on Windows, Mac or Linux. The installation process only takes 10 to 15 minutes.

Additional free WebRTC sample tests are available https://github.com/CoSMoSoftware/KITE-Sample-Tests
The sample tests cover all the major open-source SFUs demos:

KITE also supports additional features such as:

Tutorials: Writing a simple KITE Test for Jitsi in Java and/or Javascript

Once you've completed the installation and run the sample tests, pleaae try to write your own KITE test following our tutorials.

This is not an official Google product

See LICENSE for licensing.  

A. Install prerequisite software

You will need Git, JDK 8 and Maven.


You can download it from:

Java Development Kit 8

You can download it from:

Maven installation

If you would like to use our script to install Maven, you can skip it for now and install it after cloning the git repo (following the instructions at B.2.).

Alternatively, if you are familiar with setting up Maven and configuring the PATH and environment variables, you can download Maven from

The following guides could help you:

To verify your setup, in a new command prompt or shell terminal, type:

mvn -version

Expected output (for example on Windows 10):

Apache Maven 3.6.1
Maven home: C:\Program Files\Maven\apache-maven-3.6.1\bin\..
Java version: 1.8.0_191, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191\jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

You might need to create the file ~/.m2/settings.xml:

      <name>Maven Repository Manager running on repo.mycompany.com</name>

Install your favorite Java IDE. We recommend IntelliJ IDEA Community but you can use Eclipe or any other IDE if you prefer.  

If you are on Mac and are using zsh, please make sure to add the following line add the end of your ~/.zshrc file:

source .bash_profile

B. Install KITE 2.0

  1. Clone this repo into a folder without any space, for example under \GitHub\:

    mkdir GitHub
    cd GitHub
    git clone https://github.com/webrtc/KITE.git
    cd KITE
  2. Maven installation

    If you haven't installed Maven yet, you can install it using the installMaven script.

    On Windows, open a Command Prompt window and enter the following commands:


    On Linux, open a terminal and enter the following commands:

    chmod -R +x scripts/linux

    On Mac, open a terminal and enter the following commands:

    chmod -R +x scripts/mac

    You might need to create the file ~/.m2/settings.xml:

      <name>Maven Repository Manager running on repo.mycompany.com</name>
  1. Configure KITE

    This will set KITE_HOME environment variable and add utility scripts to your path.

    3.1 On Windows, open a Command Prompt window and enter the following commands:


    3.2 On Linux, open a terminal and enter the following commands:

    chmod +x configureLinux.sh

    3.3 On Mac, open a terminal and enter the following commands:

    chmod +x configureMac.sh 

    During this step, you will be prompt to setup the local grid. This is an interactive setup. It is important to configure the Firefox and Chrome versions according to the versions installed on your computer.
    If Chrome and/or Firefox are not installed, this script will automatically download and install the latest stable releases.

    To check the browser versions:
    1. Chrome
    Open Chrome and enter <a href="chrome://settings/help" target="_blank">chrome://settings/help</a> into the address bar.

    2. Firefox
    Open Firefox, top right menu, then select Help, then About Firefox. You can also find out the latest version at www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/releases/.

    Different browser versions require a different ChromeDriver (to control Chrome) and a different GeckoDriver (to control Firefox). You will need to find out what are the corresponding driver versions. Please visit the following two pages:

    By default, the local grid setup script is configured for Chrome version 87 and Firefox version 83. If these are the versions installed on your computer, you can safely use the default settings. Otherwise, you will need to edit the following settings when prompt to do so:


    Note: Please input only the major (i.e. 83 or 77) for the browser versions, but the full version with the minor (i.e. 87.0.4280.88 or v0.26.0) for the driver versions.
    The latest version of ChromeDriver is available at: https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE More details are available in the local grid setup guide.

    3. Safari
    Safari is installed by default on MacOS, there is no need to download anything. You will only need to enable the 'Allow Remote Automation' option in Safari's Developer menu so it can be automated by KITE for testing.

  2. Compile

On Windows:
Just type kite_c (which will execute mvn clean install -DskipTests).


If you are within a test folder, for example in KITE-AppRTC-Test, you can type kite_c to compile the test module only or kite_c all to recompile the entire project:

kite_c all

On Linux/Mac:
Just type kite_c (which will execute mvn clean install -DskipTests). cd $KITE_HOME kite_c If you are within a test folder, for example in KITE-AppRTC-Test, you can type kite_c to compile the test module only or kite_c all to recompile the entire project:

kite_c all

C. Install the local grid

If you have chosen to skip the grid installation during configure, you can still do it by following local grid setup guide.


D. Run the sample tests

Note: You will need to have your local grid running before you can execute any test.
You can check if your local grid is running and the browser versions installed by opening the Grid Console. In the following example, we are assuming Chrome version 87 and Firefox version 83.

Edit the test config file

If your Grid is running on localhost and with Chrome version 87 and Firefox version 83 you can skip this step.

Edit the file ./KITE-Example-Test/configs/search.local.config.json with your favorite text editor.


You will need to change version according to what is installed on your local grid. For example, if the latest stable version of Chrome is 87, you should set:

      "browserName": "chrome",
      "version": "87",
      "platform": "localhost",


When KITE is running on the same computer as the Grid, it will detect the OS and interpret the plaform "localhost" and translate it to WINDOWS, LINUX or MAC.
If you want to run KITE against a Grid that is running on a different computer, you will need to change the platform according to what's available on your Grid and you will need to change the platform to "WINDOWS" to "LINUX" or "MAC".

Example for Windows:

      "browserName": "chrome",
      "version": "87",
      "platform": "WINDOWS",

You can find more information about the Basic Configuration File here.

Run KITE-Example-Test

To run the example test,

On Windows:

cd %KITE_HOME%\KITE-Example-Test
kite_r configs\search.local.config.json

On Linux/Mac:

cd $KITE_HOME/KITE-Example-Test
kite_r configs/search.local.config.json

Run KITE-AppRTC-Test

Edit the file ./KITE-AppRTC-Test/configs/iceconnection.apprtc.config.json with your favorite text editor.
You will need to change version and platform according to what is installed on your local grid.

To run the AppRTC iceconnection test,

On Windows:

kite_r configs\iceconnection.apprtc.config.json

On Linux/Mac:

kite_r configs/iceconnection.apprtc.config.json

Alternatively, you can launch the test with the full command.

On Windows:

java -Dkite.firefox.profile="%KITE_HOME%"/third_party/firefox-h264-profiles/ -cp "%KITE_HOME%/KITE-Engine/target/kite-jar-with-dependencies.jar;target/*" org.webrtc.kite.Engine configs/iceconnection.apprtc.config.json

On Linux/Mac:

java -Dkite.firefox.profile="$KITE_HOME"/third_party/firefox-h264-profiles/ -cp "$KITE_HOME/KITE-Engine/target/kite-jar-with-dependencies.jar:target/*" org.webrtc.kite.Engine configs/iceconnection.apprtc.config.json

Open the dashboard

After running the test, you can open the Allure dashboard with the command kite_a.

On Windows:


On Linux/Mac:


Congratulation! You should see the results of your first KITE test.

KITE Test Dashboard

Alternatively, the full command to launch the Allure dashboard is:

allure serve kite-allure-reports

Basic configuration file

The example search.local.config.json file is almost the simplest config file you can get (Change the version of browsers to the appropriated one that you have installed on your testing machine):

  "name": "Kite test example (with Allure reporting)",
  "callback": null,
  "grids": [
      "type": "local",
      "url": "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"
  "tests": [
      "name": "KiteExampleSearchTest",
      "tupleSize": 1,
      "description": "This example test opens google and searches for Cosmo Software Consulting and verify the first result",
      "testImpl": "org.webrtc.kite.example.KiteExampleSearchTest",
      "payload" : {
        "test1": "ONE",
        "test2": "TWO"
  "clients": [
      "browserName": "chrome",
      "version": "87",
      "platform": "WINDOWS",
      "flags": []
      "browserName": "firefox",
      "version": "77",
      "platform": "WINDOWS",
      "flags": []

It registers only selenium server in the local machine:

  "grids": [
      "type": "local",
      "url": "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"

It registers IceConnectionTest class as a test (this class is implemented in KITE-AppRTC-Test)

  "tests": [
      "name": "KiteExampleSearchTest",
      "tupleSize": 1,
      "description": "This example test opens google and searches for Cosmo Software Consulting and verify the first result",
      "testImpl": "org.webrtc.kite.example.KiteExampleSearchTest",
      "payload" : {
        "test1": "ONE",
        "test2": "TWO"

It requests for firefox and chrome. Version and platform are required fields. Version and platform actually used in the tests will be reported in the result, and will appear in the dashboard.

Sample config files in KITE-Example-Test/configs contain the example with different browser, version and platform configuration, take a closer look

  "clients": [
      "browserName": "chrome",
      "version": "87",
      "platform": "LINUX",
      "flags": []
      "browserName": "firefox",
      "version": "77",
      "platform": "MAC",
      "flags": []

If the grid is running on localhost (same machine as KITE), then you can use localhost as the platform name, KITE will automatically set it according to your OS. However, if the grid or selenium node is not running on localhost, you must set the platform name according to the OS of the node (MAC, WINDOWS, LINUX, Android...)

Upload result files to a different machine

One can upload its result files with FTP on a different machine. For this, a FTP server should run on the target machine. Host IP, port, username and password can be added to the config file. An example:

  "tests": [
      "name": "KiteExampleSearchTest",
      "tupleSize": 1,
      "description": "This example test opens google and searches for Cosmo Software Consulting and verify the first result",
      "testImpl": "org.webrtc.kite.example.KiteExampleSearchTest",
      "callbackUrl": "",
      "callbackPort": 2221,
      "callbackUsername" : "username",
      "callbackPassword": "password",
      "payload" : {
        "test1": "ONE",
        "test2": "TWO"

If filled, KITE will zip the result files, then try to connect to the machine and upload the archives to the working directory. One use of this is, when the FTP server is configured to handle these archives, it can unzip the archives and generate the report to a directory served by a webserver:

allure generate . --output /var/www/results