Save Tweet Now
Save Tweet Now is a fork of Express designed for a simpler workflow or archiving a single embedded tweet at high-fidelity and optionally uploading to IPFS.
This tool is a single-page-app that specifies the URL and whether to upload to IPFS. To use, simply load the home page, or specify a URL and auto-upload settings via hashtag params:
Loading Tweets
Browsers are generally not able to load any websites, so a proxy must be used to load from Twitter.
The system uses wabac-cors-proxy to proxy data from the live web via a Cloudflare Worker. This allows the system to load any website without browser 'cross-origin' restrictions.
All network traffic goes through the Cloudflare Worker, so this is not ideal for archiving non-public Tweets.
Install dependencies:
Start dev server:
yarn start-dev
Open in your browser: http://localhost:10001