

Damselfly Screenshot

Damselfly - A Photo Management System

Damselfly is a server-based Digital Photograph Management system. Damselfly is designed to manage a large, folder-based collection of photographs, with a particular focus on fast search and keyword-tagging workflow.

Damselfly includes powerful Machine Learning functions which can help you identify photographs and their subjects, including face detection, face recognition and object detection - allowing you to tag people once, and have Damselfly identify other photos in which they appear.

The user-interface and workflow is loosely based on the much-loved Google Picasa app, with a basket to select images for export and other types of processing. Damselfly also provides a desktop/client app which gives closer integraton with your laptop or PC, allowing you to quickly sync a selection of images from the Damselfly basket to a local folder, for editing etc.


<div> <img style="margin: 5px;" src="docs/Damselfly-search.jpg" alt="Advanced Search in Damselfly" width="800"/> <div>

Update on Damselfly Face Recognition Support

Damselfly used to provide face-recognition via the Microsoft Azure Face API. However, Microsoft have recently locked down the use of this API.

The latest version of Damselfly now supports full face detection and recognition locally and offline.

Want to Support Damselfly?

Damselfly is free, open-source software. But if you find it useful, and fancy buying me a coffee or a slice of pizza, that would be appreciated!

<a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/damselfly" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/arial-green.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" height="41" width="174"></a>

Getting in Touch

You can follow Damselfly on Twitter or ask questions/get support on Reddit (r/DamselflyPhotos). If you have problems, feature requests or have found a bug, you can raise an issue. Or if you want to say hello, email me.


<div> <img style="margin: 5px;" src="docs/Damselfly-browsing.jpg" alt="Browsing in Damselfly" width="600"/> <img style="margin: 5px;" src="docs/Damselfly-theme.jpg" alt="Themes in Damselfly" width="600"/> <br/> <br/> <img style="margin: 5px;" src="docs/Damselfly-imageview.jpg" alt="Viewing images in Damselfly" width="600"/> <img style="margin: 5px;" src="docs/Damselfly-AI.jpg" alt="Face and Object Detection in Damselfly" width="600"/> <br/> <img style="margin: 5px;" src="docs/Damselfly-grouping.jpg" alt="Browsing images grouped by date Damselfly" width="600"/> <div>

Planned Features/Enhancements

How should I use Damselfly? What's the workflow?

The photos live in the library on the server, but whenever you want to work on a picture (e.g., in Photoshop, Digikam or your editing tool of choice) you use the Damselfly Deskop app to add the images to the basket, and choose Download => Save Locally, to sync the pictures across the network to your local folder. Once you've finished editing, copy them back to the server (a future feature enhancement will let Damselfly do this for you) where the server will re-index them to pick up your changes.

Suggested workflow.

  1. Images are copied onto a laptop for initial sorting, quality checks, and IPTC tagging using Picasa or Digikam
  2. Rclone script syncs the new images across the LAN to the network share
  3. Damselfly automatically picks up the new images and indexes them (and generates thumbnails) within 30 minutes
  4. Images are now searchable in Damselfly and can be added to the Damselfly 'basket' with a single click
  5. Images in the basket can be copied back to the desktop/laptop for local editing in Lightroom/On1/Digikam/etc.
    • Use the Damselfly Desktop client to write the files directly to the local filesystem in the same structure as on the server.
    • Export to a zip file to download and extract into the local image folder for additional editing
  6. Re-sync using RClone to push the images back to the collection [Future enhancement: Damselfly Desktop App will do this for you]

More information

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