


npm version

This plugin supports the use of Google's Closure Tools with webpack.

Note: This is the webpack 4 branch.

Closure-Compiler is a full optimizing compiler and transpiler. It offers unmatched optimizations, provides type checking and can easily target transpilation to different versions of ECMASCRIPT.

Closure-Library is a utility library designed for full compatibility with Closure-Compiler.

Older Versions

For webpack 3 support, see https://github.com/webpack-contrib/closure-webpack-plugin/tree/webpack-3


You must install both the google-closure-compiler package as well as the closure-webpack-plugin.

npm install --save-dev closure-webpack-plugin google-closure-compiler

Usage example

const ClosurePlugin = require('closure-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  optimization: {
    minimizer: [
      new ClosurePlugin({mode: 'STANDARD'}, {
        // compiler flags here
        // for debugging help, try these:
        // formatting: 'PRETTY_PRINT'
        // debug: true,
        // renaming: false


Compiler Flags

The plugin controls several compiler flags. The following flags should not be used in any mode:

Aggressive Bundle Mode

In this mode, the compiler rewrites CommonJS modules and hoists require calls. Some modules are not compatible with this type of rewriting. In particular, hoisting will cause the following code to execute out of order:

const foo = require('foo');
const bar = require('bar');

Aggressive Bundle Mode utilizes a custom runtime in which modules within a chunk file are all included in the same scope. This avoids the cost of small modules.

In Aggressive Bundle Mode, a file can only appear in a single output chunk. Use the Split Chunks Plugin to split duplicated files into a single output chunk. If a module is utilized by more than one chunk, the plugin will move it up to the first common parent to prevent code duplication.

The concatenatedModules optimization is not compatible with this mode since Closure-Compiler performs an equivalent optimization). The plugin will emit a warning if this optimization is not disabled.

Multiple Output Languages

You can add the plugin multiple times. This easily allows you to target multiple output languages. Use ECMASCRIPT_2015 for modern browsers and ECMASCRIPT5 for older browsers.

Use the output option to change the filenames of specific plugin instances.

Use <script type="module" src="es6_out_path.js"> to target modern browsers and <script nomodule src="es5_out_path.js"> for older browsers.

See the es5 and es6 output demo for an example.

Other tips for Use

Closure Library Plugin

In order for webpack to recognize goog.require, goog.provide, goog.module and related primitives, a separate plugin is shipped.

const ClosurePlugin = require('closure-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new ClosurePlugin.LibraryPlugin({
      closureLibraryBase: require.resolve(
      deps: [

The plugin adds extra functionality to support using Closure Library without Closure Compiler. This is typically used during development mode. When the webpack mode is production, only dependency information is provided to webpack as Closure Compiler will natively recognize the Closure Library primitives.

The Closure Library Plugin is only compatible with the AGGRESSIVE_BUNDLE mode of the Closure-Compiler webpack plugin.


<h2 align="center">Maintainers</h2> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/ChadKillingsworth"> <img width="150" alt="" height="150" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1247639?v=3"> </br> Chad Killingsworth </a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/d3viant0ne"> <img width="150" alt="" height="150" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/8420490?v=3"> </br> Joshua Wiens </a> </td> </tr> <tbody> </table>