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WebdriverCSS Adminpanel

This application helps you to manage all your image repositories of your CSS regression tests made with WebdriverCSS. It provides an API to synchronise and configure them. This allows you to exchange the repositories with your peers and colleagues to be able to run regression tests decentralized.


Note: Grunt & Bower will be installed locally with npm. If you'd like to install Grunt or Bower globally, run npm install -g grunt-cli or npm install -g bower, respectively.


First download this repository and change to the project directory:

$ git clone git@github.com:webdriverio/webdrivercss-adminpanel.git
$ cd webdrivercss-adminpanel

Then download all client and server-side dependencies:

$ npm install

Last but not least start the application by running:

$ grunt serve:dist

This command minifies all stylesheets and scripts and starts the application on localhost:9000. I'm not going to describe how to deploy a Node.js application to a server. There are plenty of tutorials out there who describe how to do that very well.


By default, the application provides the following API interfaces:

GET requests

POST requests

Setup WebdriverCSS

For instructions on how to install WebdriverCSS please checkout the repository website on GitHub. There is also described how to sync your repository to the WebdriverCSS - Adminpanel application. Here is an example how to use this application in order to synchronise image repositories created with WebdriverCSS:

var WebdriverIO = require('webdriverio'),
    WebdriverCSS = require('webdrivercss');

// init webdriverio
var client = WebdriverIO.remote({
    desiredCapabilities: {
        browserName: 'firefox'

// init webdrivercss
WebdriverCSS.init(client, {
    screenshotRoot: 'myProject',
    api: 'http://localhost:9000/api/repositories/'

    .sync() // BEFORE: download current stored image repository of the project (if existing)

    .webdrivercss('exampleTest', {
        name: 'homepage',
        elem: '#section'

    .sync() // AFTER: zips and uploads state of image repository


Any contributions or patches are welcome! In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.