

React Renderer using Web Workers

A React Custom renderer using Web Workers. All the Virtual DOM reconcilliations happen in a WebWorker thread. Only node updates are sent over to the UI thread, result in a much more responsive UI.

An existing React application can leverage WebWorkers using this library with minimal change. Look at the usage section for details.


The demo is hosted at http://web-perf.github.io/react-worker-dom/. To run a local version of the demo,


A typical React application

A typical React application would looks something like the following.

// File: main.jsx
import React from 'react';
import reactDOM from 'react-dom';
reactDOM.render(<Component/>, document.getElementById('container'));

Using it with Web Workers

To use this renderer, we would need to split the above file into 2 parts, one that is on the page, and another that starts as a web worker.

// File: main.js - included using a script tag in index.html
import React from 'react';
import reactDOM from 'react-worker-dom'; // Instead of using react-dom
reactDOM.render(new Worker('worker.js'), document.getElementById('container'));

The worker.js file is the one that now holds the actual Component.

// File: worker.jsx - loaded in index.html using new Worker('worker.jsx') in the file script above; 
import React from 'react';
import ReactWorkerDOM from 'react-worker-dom-worker';

Look at test\dbmonster and test\todoapp directory for the examples.

Testing Performance

To manually look at frame rates, load the dbmonster demo pages in Chrome, and view the frame meter in devtools.

To automatically collect frame rates and compare it with the normal version


Here are the things that need to be done next.