


Code Quality

Simple cross-platform PostgreSQL client. Built with Electron, React, Redux, FixedDataTable.


How To Use

You can either

Download Released App

Extract it somewhere, and then run the executable.


Package app manually from sources

To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/web-pal/dbglass
# Go into the repository
cd dbglass
# Install dependencies and run the app
npm install && npm run dev

App will be running in development mode at this point, in which you can:

Toggle Chrome DevTools

See electron-debug for more information.

Ignore default modules

We add some module's peerDependencies to ignore option as default for application size reduction.

Note: If you want to use any above modules in runtime, for example: require('babel/register'), you should move them form devDependencies to dependencies.

Pack into an app for your platform from command line:
npm run package
Building windows apps from non-windows platforms

Please checkout Building windows apps from non-windows platforms.

License MIT